The Christians In Colossae Paul's Letter To... The Christians In Colossae
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… One of 4 epistles written from 1st Roman imprisonment Acts 28:30-31 Most likely, Colossae was not a place Paul had ever visited 2:1 The church seems to have been started by Epaphras 1:3-7 4:12-13
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… 3 references as a “prisoner” 4:3, 10, 18 The letter was carried from Rome to Colossae by Tychicus 4:7-9 He was an Asian Acts 20:4 Perhaps he was even a Colossian…most likely not, given the wording in Col 4:9
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… 3 references as a “prisoner” 4:3, 10, 18 The letter was carried from Rome to Colossae by Tychicus 4:7-9 Onesimus traveled with him…he was Philemon’s “runaway” slave Phlm 8-18 Paul also sent a personal letter to Philemon
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… Another interesting fact re: how the letter went to Colossae… Epaphras had come to Rome & informed Paul about the Colossians 1:7-8 Most likely, he would have been the one to carry the letter back to them
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… Another interesting fact re: how the letter went to Colossae… However, Epaphras had become Paul’s “fellow prisoner” Phlm 23 This prevented him from serving as “courier” for Paul to the Colossians
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… A “companion letter” to Ephesians Eph 6:21-22 Often called “The Twin Epistles” Very similar statements & themes
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… Other people mentioned in the letter – Timothy has joined Paul in Rome 1:1 Mark = Barnabas “cousin” 4:10 cp. Acts 13:5, 13 15:37-39 Luke identified as a “physician” 4:14 Demas = “faithful”…yet, would fall away 4:14 cp. Phlm 24 2 Tim 4:10
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… An “unknown epistle” is mentioned 4:16 Paul wanted this letter read to the church at Laodicea Another letter was coming from Laodicea… Paul wanted that letter read in Colossae What letter was it?? No one knows for sure
Paul's Letter To Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The Christians In Colossae Events Leading Up To This Epistle… The theme Ù “You are complete in Christ” Thematic statement 2:10
Paul's Letter To The Epistle… Opening Greetings & Admonitions 1:1-12 The Christians In Colossae The Epistle… Opening Greetings & Admonitions 1:1-12 Faithful saints for whom Paul had been praying vv. 2-3, 9-12 Epaphras had taught them re: “their hope laid up in heaven” 1:4
Paul's Letter To The Epistle… The Christians In Colossae The Epistle… Christ & His “complete” saints 1:13 – 2:23 God “…delivered us from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His Son” 1:13 A description of Jesus Christ He is our Redeemer & Forgiver 1:14 He is the Image of the invisible God 1:15
Paul's Letter To The Epistle… The Christians In Colossae The Epistle… Christ & His “complete” saints 1:13 – 2:23 A description of Jesus Christ He is the “Firstborn” [preeminent] 1:15 He is Creator & Sustainer 1:16-17 He is Head of the church 1:18 He is the “Firstborn from the dead” 1:18 He is Peacemaker & Reconciler 1:20, 22