Secondary School Hinchingbrooke
That’s OK!
"No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.“(Proverb)
“Being The Very Best We Can Be” “Good, better, best, May you never rest, Until your good is better, And your better, best” (Anonymous)
Inspiring excellence ~ Hopes and aspirations Inspiring excellence ~ Fulfilling potential
The school’s aspiration:
‘Inspiring excellence, fulfilling potential’ 8 personal ‘must-haves’ Sense of moral purpose* The best we can be Student centred Focused on and excited about learning All round education Selfless and outward looking Empowered by technology At the forefront of educational thinking
Strategic Intents To embed the school’s values in the culture of the whole school community. To enable our students to be self-motivated, independent, life-long learners through the acquisition of key skills and attributes. To ensure that high quality teaching and learning is at the heart of all that we do. To invest in the development and well-being of staff. To be outward looking and forward thinking in the development of mutually supportive relationships that will support the development of a vibrant learning community. To provide sustainable resources to deliver our vision.
Successful Partnership “We are committed to • building a strong and effective partnership with parents” (Home-School agreement) Communication Trust Support Honesty
School organisation Three Schools – Lower, Middle, Upper Three Faculties STEM, Global Citizenship, Performance & Creativity Student Services - Learning Support - BASECAMP - Gateway School Senior team: 3 x VPs, 3 x APs 3 x Heads of Faculty (APs) 3 Associate Principals
We very much look forward to working with you. Thank you We very much look forward to working with you. Andrew Goulding Principal
Head of Year 7 and Transition Taster Days 2019 Mr Milner Head of Year 7 and Transition
Taster Days… What did they do? Sports Event Tour of the school Met the form Met the tutor Team building with their House Leaders/Captains NGRT and CAT4 tests
??? ??? Concerns… Safety in school Happiness Academic progression Your concerns: Safety in school Happiness Academic progression Their concerns: Friends Homework/organisation Scary teachers Food! ???
Form Organisation Forms are created with an equal balance of: Gender Ability SEND AG&T Behaviour
Contacting the School All tutors are accessible via the school email. Type in the staff initials in front of the email address. E.g. Miss A. L. Lewis = For anyone in the Lower School team, email: Alternatively use the planners to send a message to form tutors or teachers
Our Aims Enable children to settle into secondary school Ensure progression from Key Stage 2 to 3 Develop each individual to their full capability Equip students with a sense of responsibility and develop their self confidence.
First Day in September Wear full school uniform Bring all school equipment, but NO PE kit needed Meet form tutor on the playground by the Food Court Year 7 will get early lunch for their first week
Forthcoming Dates Tuesday 3rd September 2019 – Year 7’s First Day Tuesday 24th September 2019 – Meet the Tutors Evening Wednesday 20th November 2019– Year 7 Parents Evening