Aidspan : The Independent Observer of the Global Fund
Who are we? A watchdog/independent observer of the Global Fund since 2002 Offering information, targeted critical analyses, sharing best practices/lessons learned and independent commentary
Who are we? On the Global Fund at global level and country levels Board Committees (Audit and Finance, Ethics and Governance, Strategy Committee) and country levels Country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs) Local Fund Agents (LFAs) Implementers: Principal recipients (PRs), sub-recipients (SRs), sub-sub-recipients SSRs and other in-country assurance actors
Our target audience is The Global Fund (Board and its committees, Secretariat, OIG etc.) GF donors CCMs Implementers: PRs, SRs and SSRs LFAs, fiscal agents National policy makers Technical partners – WHO, UNAIDS, RBM,STOP TB Civil society and media Researchers and academicians
Products Global Fund Observer (GFO) – English about 12000 subscribers Observateur du Fonds Mondial (OFM) – French about 3000 subscribers Reports on different topics on website Aidspan Portal Workbench (Global fund data synchronized with Aidspan) and other data tools
MISSION To be an effective watchdog highlighting, analyzing and influencing the transparency and effectiveness of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria at the global and country level
We love to collaborate with EANNASO/You Why ? Biggest burden of diseases Biggest share of funds Raise African voices and share experiences Similar challenges, learn best practices Open to feedback on mode of delivery that works best for you as EANNASO/ PRs from Civil Society Topics of common interest
Some important issues for a Win-Win collaboration Absorption Procurement and supply chain Data collected and used AGYW CCM Evolution Lessons learned from PR or countries WE WISH TO HEAR FROM YOU WE WISH TO RAISE YOUR VOICE for a more efficient Global Fund
Topics of common interest Aidspan existing work on absorption
Procurement and supply-chain At least two-third of HIV grant goes to commodities Kenya successfully procures health commodities without using Global Fund’s pooled procurement mechanisms Guinea’s Global Fund grant implementation yields challenges and lessons
Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) New infections are mostly among AGYW in Eastern and Central Africa Report Findings: that only 4.6% of the HIV grants is spent on prevention among them!
CCM Evolution Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism evolution initiative: Mid-term lessons from Tanzania, Niger, Uganda and Burundi Global Fund Board approves CCM Evolution initiative at an intermediate level of ambition but with a phased-in approach Tanzania National Coordinating Mechanism aspires to become best-practice model for Global Fund's CCM evolution initiative
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Thanks Djesika Amendah, PhD info@aidspan. org Djesika. amendah@aidspan Thanks Djesika Amendah, PhD