The live attenuated dengue vaccine TV003 elicits complete protection against dengue in a human challenge model by Beth D. Kirkpatrick, Stephen S. Whitehead, Kristen K. Pierce, Cecilia M. Tibery, Palmtama L. Grier, Noreen A. Hynes, Catherine J. Larsson, Beulah P. Sabundayo, Kawsar R. Talaat, Anna Janiak, Marya P. Carmolli, Catherine J. Luke, Sean A. Diehl, and Anna P. Durbin Sci Transl Med Volume 8(330):330ra36-330ra36 March 16, 2016 Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Fig. 1. Screening, enrollment, and follow-up of flavivirus-seronegative subjects for vaccination with the dengue vaccine TV003 and challenge with DENV-2 6 months later. Screening, enrollment, and follow-up of flavivirus-seronegative subjects for vaccination with the dengue vaccine TV003 and challenge with DENV-2 6 months later. As described in the text, 48 subjects were randomly assigned to receive TV003 or placebo on study day 0. The treatment assignment was masked to study staff and volunteers. On study day 180, all eligible subjects (41) received the challenge virus rDEN2Δ30. PI, principal investigator. Beth D. Kirkpatrick et al., Sci Transl Med 2016;8:330ra36 Copyright © 2016, American Association for the Advancement of Science