Unit Review Topics 3 & 4
What is the largest number you can make with the following numbers? 5 1 2 6 8 86, 521
Put the following numbers in order from largest to smallest. 17,865 7,989 17,988 17,685 17,699 17,988 17,865 17,699 17,685 7,989
Use the symbols >, <, and = to compare the following numbers: 67,896 ___ 67,099
How would you write the following number in standard form? 60,000 + 8,000 + 900 + 5 68,905
Which statement is false about the number 489,317. A Which statement is false about the number 489,317? A. The digit in the ten thousands is even. B. The value of the 4 is 400,00. C. There are three tens. D. There is a 3 in the hundreds place. C
What statement is not true about the number 1,530,864. A What statement is not true about the number 1,530,864? A. The value of the 8 is eight hundred. B. There are five hundred thousands. C. There is a 4 in the ones place. D. The digit in the tens is an 8. . D
What statement is true about the number 98,730. A What statement is true about the number 98,730? A. There are seven one thousands. B. The value of the 9 is 900,000. C. The 3 is in the tens place. D. The digit in the one thousands is 9. . C
A store ordered 5,000 Furbies. They have sold 3,941 at this point A store ordered 5,000 Furbies. They have sold 3,941 at this point. How many Furbies are still on the shelf? . 1,059
The Library Media Center has 4,000 books and magazines that can be circulated, or borrowed. When the librarians looked, there were 1,653 books borrowed by patrons. How many books can still be checked out? . 2,347
Walt Yensid, a famous long-distance runner, wants to run 9,000 miles by the end of the year. So far he has run 7,284 miles. How many more miles does he have to run? . 1,716
How would you write the following number in expanded form? 45,326 40,000 + 5,000 + 300 + 20 + 6
How would you write the following number in expanded form? 78,005 70,000 + 8,000 + 5
How would you write the following number in standard form? 40 tens 400
What is the value of the 6 in 84,065? 60
What is the value of the 4 in 84,065? 4,000
In the number 567,892 - what digit is in the ten thousands place?
Round 23,875 to the nearest hundreds place. 23,900
Round 23,875 to the nearest thousands place. 24,000
In the number 3,221, which places contain digits where one digit is ten times as great as the other? A. the ones and tens places B. the tens and hundreds places C. the hundreds and thousands places D. the tens and thousands places B
Sarah is playing with number cards. She loves bug numbers Sarah is playing with number cards. She loves bug numbers! Her goal is to make the largest possible number. What is the largest possible number that Sarah can make using the number cards below? 7 2 4 1 74,210
Mrs. Bull loves working with large numbers Mrs. Bull loves working with large numbers! Using the numbers below, what is the largest number that Mrs. Bull can make? 6 8 5 86,500
Round 23,975 to the nearest hundreds place. 24,000
Mrs Darnley tried to estimate how many chairs to have for the assembly Mrs Darnley tried to estimate how many chairs to have for the assembly. There were 283 4th graders, 156 5th graders and 320 6th graders. How would you round in order to estimate the number of chairs to set up? 300+200+300 = 800
Mrs. Beck walked 3,456 steps. Mrs. Darnley walked 6,000 steps Mrs. Beck walked 3,456 steps. Mrs. Darnley walked 6,000 steps. How many more steps did Mrs. Darnley walk than Mrs. Beck? 2,544
Mrs. Darnley was saving money for a new coat that cost $100. 00 Mrs. Darnley was saving money for a new coat that cost $100.00. So far she’s saved $39.00. How much more does she need to save? $61.00
Mrs. Darnley has 3,456 books. Mrs. Beck has 985 more books than Mrs Mrs. Darnley has 3,456 books. Mrs. Beck has 985 more books than Mrs. Darnley. How many books does Mrs. Beck have? 4,441
Movie Ticket Sales Movie # of Tickets Sold Finding Nemo 3 1,480 Brave 1,571 Peter Pan 1,502 Tangled 1,769 Ice Age 1,690 How many more tickets were sold for Tangled than for Brave? 198
Jack and Josh played a game Jack and Josh played a game. Below are the tallied results of their scores. Ten Thousands Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones 24,000