Ms. Walters class expectations
Phones/Laptops PHONES ARE TO BE AWAY! -If it is out, I take it for the rest of the class period. If you’re a repeat offender, I take it for the whole day. -If on the charger, you can not touch it for the class period Laptops are a privilege. If you abuse that privilege, you wont be able to use them and you’ll have alternate assignments.
Bathroom There is no pass limit per quarter unless you/your class shows that you can’t handle the responsibility of the pass If passes are assigned, you will have 4 per quarter You must sign out to use the hall pass!
Food Snacking in class is OK as long as it is disposed of properly/not too loud If you bring a lunch/breakfast tray you need to dispose of it in the bins outside in the hallway
Drinks You’re only allowed to drink WATER in my room! There’s a catch… you can only use reusable water bottles. We only have one planet
Behavior Be nice to each other and me or I will not deal with it! If you are causing problems you will lose privileges and have to leave the class
Respecting Property Don’t touch my stuff!!! If you’re at my desk/touching my phone/picking up pictures/etc. I’m going to assume you’re trying to steal it and send you to the dean.
Consequences There is a consequence progression posted. I try very hard to not give referrals so please don’t push me there.
Absences/Missed Work Purple Folder Dates in Focus assignment info Listed on my website I WILL NOT COME TO YOU.