Week 10: Reviewing Joining, Cartograms, & Final Project Proposal
Today’s work Write a proposal for your final project Join data from the web to a shape file Use the same data to create a cartogram
Proposal From Assignment and Notes web page thru CANVAS read instructions for making a proposal and draft one out This is to get you thinking and understanding the process of making a proposal, it is not necessarily the work you will eventually do Save to J drive J:\Saldata\SAL_TEMP\Envs221\Week 10 Wednesday\1- Final Project Proposal For the file name: you-last-name-proposal.docx
Joining exercise From the web page on “Average Student Loan Debt…” https://lendedu.com/blog/average- student-loan-debt-statistics#ASDS Scroll down to the table and Copy the table of State level data and paste it into an Excel file. Save this file and then join it to a States shape file that you will copy to your own c drive or such so you have write priviledges Save a jpeg Map to: J:\Saldata\SAL_TEMP\Envs221\Week 10 Wednesday\2- Join Map For the file name: you-last-name-join- map.docx
Cartogram Choose one of the new attributes concerning Student Debt and make a cartogram Save this to J:\Saldata\SAL_TEMP\Envs221\Week 10 Wednesday\3- Cartogram Map For the file name: you-last-name-proposal.docx