Roles and Responsibilities of the tutor Kim Tree Roles and Responsibilities of the tutor
What is a tutor? You have a variety of roles for which you must prepare Teacher Assessor and IV Supporter Professional in your own field
Teacher You must know the content of the units you are teaching in detail You have a duty to keep up to date with current business practices (CPD) Your materials should be varied to suit all learning styles
Assessor Ensure you are aware of the evidence requirements of each outcome of each unit Review assessment packs to ensure they are appropriate Work as part of a team to review units from delivery planning to end of unit review Be unbiased in assessment decisions Be consistent in assessment decisions Give appropriate feedback
Internal Verifier (IV) Work with assessors and teachers Have appropriate professional understanding of the topic and the IV process Ensure that all is in order BEFORE delivery commences Make sure all assessors/teachers are following the same rules Make time to carry out the role thoroughly You must remain neutral Provide constructive feedback
Supporter The students you meet along the way will not always stick to your best laid plans You may have to make adjustments to teaching schedules and assessment dates You may have to make alternative arrangements to cope with personal difficulties Your students are just a small representative proportion of the population and come will all the same problems that the general population experiences. Your greatest tool – patience.
Business Professional Your own experiences in business will be one of the best teaching tools you have. Real life examples of experience are great ways to make learning realistic. Keep up to date with current business practice – up to date CPD.
Materials Materials must be up to date Knowledge of current professional practice will help Keep up to date with CPD Use current sources of information Some unit specifications require that assessment and material is updated annually in line with current UK legislation.
Course Team You are part of a larger team who are delivering units which are part of a large framework. Be proactive Make sure you are up to date with current business practice Make sure you are up to date with frameworks You are responsible for the pre delivery of units as well as ongoing deliver and post delivery. Give and receive constructive feedback.
Pre-delivery Framework Unit specifications Teaching schedule Materials Assessment Re-assessment available? If not, submit a reassessment for prior verification IV schedule Assessment schedule for all units
During delivery Most up to date materials being used Correct knowledge and skills being covered Teaching schedule in place Teaching on track Ongoing discussions with colleagues where appropriate Monitoring of students progress Assessments held in correct conditions Assessment decisions unbiased
Post delivery Review assessment results Review teaching schedule Review overall timing of delivery of units Course team discussion about successes and areas for improvement Review timing of assessments Take feedback from colleagues Take feedback from students
Course team review Overall course team review What worked What needs to be improved upon Staff Materials Feedback
Responsibility of Tutor Prepare students for further study Keep yourself up to date Remember you know the content of the unit and the assessment Prepare the students for developing skills identified in unit specifications Help them to apply those skills in different situations
And finally ……… Use a range of resources Keep yourself up to date with what is current in business practice Don’t be afraid to try new resources Be an active and positive team member