EN1-associated chromatin complexes in breast cancer cells. EN1-associated chromatin complexes in breast cancer cells. A, Cell migration and invasion of MCF7 cells expressing lacZ or EN1. P value of difference indicated (t test). B, Plot of ChIP-seq signal of the EN1 peaks in SUM149, SUM159, and MCF7 cells. Numbers indicate cell line unique and overlapping peaks. C, Top process networks significantly enriched in genes that were direct genomic targets of EN1 and were differentially expressed following EN1 expression in MCF7 cells. D, Word clouds illustrating top EN1-associated proteins in MCF7 and SUM159 cells. E, Top process networks enriched in EN1-interacting proteins in MCF7 and SUM159 cells. F, Heatmap and clustering of TLE3 and EN1 peaks in SUM159 cells. G, Top process networks enriched in differentially expressed genes after EN1 knockdown associated with TLE3-EN1 overlapping peaks in either control (-dox) or shEN1 (+dox) conditions. H, Top process networks enriched in β-catenin peaks in SUM149 cells associated with genes differentially expressed after EN1 knockdown. Guillermo Peluffo et al. Cancer Res 2019;79:4173-4183 ©2019 by American Association for Cancer Research