MEIC Design Update Fulvia Pilat MEIC R&D Meeting May 21, 2015
JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 Topics MEIC baseline MEIC cooler Cooler Design effort at JLAB Feedback on proposal from McIntyre MEIC R&D SF magnets Crab cavities 952 MHz cavity design Site Characterization SBIR solicitations JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 Race Track option Arc radius 195 m Straight 450 m Circumference 2112 m PEP-II arc radius 232 m Figure-8 arc radius 155 m JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 3
JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 Racetrack vs. Figure-8 PRO’s Less SR power (due to large bending radius) Higher current at high electron energies (able to reach 12 GeV) Much better electron emittance (much smaller dipole bending angle) Much better electron polarization (much smaller SR) Reaching higher ion energies Less super-ferric dipoles (smaller total bending angle, 360° vs. 523.6°) CON’s ion polarization, particularly, deuteron polarization DECISION FACTORS Physics requirements (Com, COM vs. deuteron ) Technical considerations ( performance, cost) Political considerations Discussion started with JLAB experimental and theoretical phisicist JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 4
Baseline optimization Looking at optimization of the baseline before launching the CDR: Lowering the energy of the SC linac study done, feasible, defer the ANL design Use of FNAL DC cooler at 8 GeV IPAC paper by McIntyre, need to evaluate proposal give feedback, if positive Peter will submit proposal to NP Comparing a racetrack layout to the figure-8 preliminary discussion with experimental physicist endorses importance of deuteron physics we will keep Figure-8 as baseline and racetrack as alternative e-ring improvement needed JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
JSA Science Council, May 7 2015 Cooler Design team Scope: produce a design for the single pass ERL cooler, while keeping the re-circulator cooler option open (in case of technical problems in developing the single pass design or as a future upgrade) Kick-ff meeting (yesterday): technical challenges and key personnel identified To be developed: resource loaded schedule consistent with CDR timeline and personnel availability Regular meetings: initially every 2 weeks – possibly to be interleaved with general MEIC R&D meetings JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
Deliverables/Schedule/Resource Loading Feasibility assessment Preliminary design & physics analysis Initial engineering specifications, tolerances, sensitivity matrix Evaluation of technical readiness/R&D opportunities & plan Cost estimate Schedule 10-12 FTE; ~10-12 staff => 1 year (e.g. UV Demo proposal, IR Demo design), ~5-6 staff => 2 years Resource Load (2 year option) Cooling Specifications Derbenev, Zhang Work coordination Benson, Pilat Source Physicist Suleiman Injector physicist Hannon Machine design physicist Douglas, Tennant Simulation physicist (S2E) Roblin, He Zhang Collective effects (theory) Li Diagnostics physicist (half) Evtushenko EE (half) – diagnostics, RF drive – Garza to provide resource ME (half) – magnets, vacuum – Michalski to provide resource (S)RF (half) – cooler-specific (S)RF issues, especially implications of magnetized beam – Rimmer to provide resource
Overview of pre-project R&D Total cost of pre-project R&D: ~ 5 M$ JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
Upcoming R&D activities June 4: Review of TAMU super-ferric R&D proposal (all day) External reviewers: Steve Gourlay, LBL, Peter Wanderer, Ramesh Gupta, BNL Internal reviewers: McKeown, Pilat, Michalski, Baggett, Biallas, Hyatt, Daly + available 12 GeV magnet engineers June 9: Discussion and plans for MEIC crab cavity R&D (afternoon) Participants: McKeown, Pilat, Michalski, Delayen, De Silva, Castilla, Park, Zhang, Rimmer, +…….. (please indicate who else should be invited) June 18: Discussion and plans for the MEIC 952 MHz R&D Participants: McKeown, Pilat, Michalski, Delayen, Zhang, Rimmer +….. (please indicate who else should be invited) JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
Site characterization activities VA funds secured Scope of work Land survey and geotechnical studies Environmental assessment Site development Facilities conceptual development Timeline 1-2 years Status Proposals being reviewed There will be enough information to evaluate the underground tunnel option JSA Science Council, May 7 2015
EIC Cost Review - January 26-28, 2015 Backup Slides EIC Cost Review - January 26-28, 2015
Pre-Project R&D (for CD-1) PROTOTYPES Development and testing of 1.2m 3T SF magnets for MEIC ion ring and booster Collaboration with Texas A&M, 400 K$ FY15-16 Crab cavity development (collaboration with ODU, leveraging R&D for LHC / LARP crab) 952 MHz Cavity development, 1.5 M$, FY15-17 DESIGN OPTIMIZATION Optimization of conceptual design of MEIC ion linac Collaboration with ANL and/or FRIB, 300 K$ FY 15-17 Design and simulation of fixed-energy electron cooling ring (integrated in the Ion Ring arc cryostats) to enable cooling and stacking of polarized ions during each store so that a fresh high- brightness fill is ready when needed Collaboration with Texas A&M, ~ 300 K$ FY 15-17 Optimization of Integration of detector and interaction region design, detector background, non- linear beam dynamics, PEP-II components Collaboration with SLAC (NP grant 60 K/year) FY 12-17 Feasibility study of an experimental demonstration of cooling of ions using a bunched electron beam Collaboration with Institute of Modern Physics, China, LDRD 100 K$
Pre-Project R&D MODELING Studies and simulations on preservation and manipulation of ion polarization in a figure-8 storage ring Collaboration with A. Kondratenko, DOE NP grant ~100K$, FY 13-15 Algorithm and code development for electron cooling simulation LDRD, 80 K$ FY 15-16 We believe that this covers our R&D needs for the CDR and CD1
On-Project R&D PROTOTYPES VALUE ENGINEERING (cost and risk reduction) Prototype for magnetized ERL e-cooler gun 3 M$ 952 MHz prototype cryomodule components 2 M$ Crab cavity prototype cryomodule components 2 M$ Prototype for ion ring IR FF triplet 2 M$ VALUE ENGINEERING (cost and risk reduction) Super-ferric Cable-in-Conduit magnets R&D for the ion rings 1.5 M$ Optimization of of PEP-II components (tubes, LLRF, vacuum) 1.3 M$ R&D on high-efficiency RF sources 1 M$ Optimization of linac front end components for low duty factor 1 M$ Total 13.8 M$