Manchester Shared Lives Service A guide to our service 2018
Manchester Shared Lives Service We offer person centred support, and will help you to develop your skills and provide the services you want. We support every person and make sure that you have the same opportunities whatever Your religion, the colour of you skin, your age or who you share you life with. We will make sure you are treated with dignity and Respect.
What we do We will support you within a home / family environment. We will help to introduce you to, or go with you to new places. We provide personal care support to assist with your daily living. We will help you to look after your money. We will help you to be part of a Shared Lives arrangement of your choice.
What we do We will help you to shop, cook and prepare meals. We will support you to stay healthy and well. We will go with you to health appointments. We will help you with your medication. We will work with you to plan what you want to do. We will help you achieve and learn new skills. We will support you with and to an activity or place of work. We will help you keep in contact with friends and family.
Who we support and times We support people from the age of 16 upwards, we have no age limit . We are flexible in the times we offer support. We offer support to adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental heath issues, adults with autism, adults in transition, and older people. We have also supported mother and babies, and people with drug and alcohol issues.
How you agree the support We will meet you and the people you feel are important in your life who you feel can help you make choices and decisions. We will tell you about our service and the options available. We will arrange introductions, visits and agree the support you need and write this down in an agreement. We will tell you how much our support costs.
Adult Safeguarding policy (Care Act CH 14) We have a Adult Safeguarding policy to protect you. You can tell some one if you are unhappy or worried. Carer, family, friends must not:- Hit you Take your money
Safeguarding Adults policy Touch you in a sexual way or make you do things you Are unhappy about. Bully you. Make you feel sad or angry.
How to tell us if you are unhappy with things Tell a person you trust. This could be: A Carer, support worker. A family member. A friend. Your placement worker A Care Manager. You can contact the office at Abraham Moss. Our telephone number is 0161 219 2445
How to tell us if you are unhappy with things You can ring, write a letter or draw or picture. A person will come and listen to you and work to help things get better. We will do this the same day or within five working days.
Making sure we get your support right We will meet with you and ask how things are and have a Review. This could on a 1 to 1 or with other people You want at your meeting with. We will make sure your support needs are written up clearly in a support plan. CQC check we are doing a good job.
Making sure we get your support right We will check that the Carer/s are doing a good job and we monitor placements every 8-10 weeks.. We are asked questions by the Care Managers and The Commissioning Team, who check what we are Doing.
Who we are The Registered Manager is here to make sure that You receive the support you want and to make sure the Staff do this well. Her name is Helen Traynor. CQC National Customer Service Centre Citygate Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Tel: 03000 616161
This is our address Manchester Shared Lives Service Abraham Moss Centre Crescent Road Crumpsall Manchester M8 5UP 0161 219 2445