Interim evaluation of RIS3 in Castilla y León S3 Targeted Support Barcelona, 2nd July 2019
Brief presentation of Castilla y León
Brief Presentation of Castilla y León Main features Land: 95,000 km2: third-largest in Europe; larger than 16 MS. Local administration: 9 provinces 2249 municipalities. Population: 2.5 million inhabitants 27 inh/km2 –Spain: 89.3 inh/km2 GDP per capita: 2017: 25,800 €: 93% ESP; 86% EU 2007: 22,700 €: 92% ESP; 95% EU GERD/GDP: 1,20% (2017); 1,26 (2008)
Tender documents and specifications
Tender: Technical Specifications Dossier Subject-matter of the contract Interim evaluation. Updating of the RIS3 2018-20. Available information In the website: Annual work plans & monitoring reports Specific plans Regional Specialisation Pattern.
Tender: Technical Specifications Dossier Issues to be evaluated Changes in the context: National and international Performance, legislation, strategic framework… Thematic priorities: validity. Through the update of the Regional Specialisation Pattern Objectives: degree of achievement (quantitative indicators). Actions. Rhythm of implementation Effectiveness – Efficiency - Sustainability (for the next programming period)
Tender: Technical Specifications Dossier Activities to be carried out by the consultant Analysis of the new context: Socio-economic situation, R&I indicators (including Information Society) New legislative framework (including plans), at national and European level In R&I, Info Society and ESIF Analysis of the RIS3 and its suitability in the new context: Regional Specialisation Pattern Thematic priorities Objectives Programmes Governance system Monitoring & evaluation system Mobilised resources Validation with Administration and stakeholders Writing of the report. Including conclusions and recommendations
Tender: Technical Specifications Dossier Deliverables (reports) In 3 months: Analysis of new context and legislative framework Analysis of the RIS3 deployment and its suitability in the new context Forecast of: Stakeholders to be involved Information sources Evaluation methodology Detailed list of foreseen activities, specifying contents, dates and places. In 6 months: Evaluation report Regional Specialisation Pattern
Tender: Tendering Specifications Price € 155,371.90 + taxes (€ 188,000 VAT included) Technical & professional capacity required Minimum 3-people team, with experience: Director: 5 years in R&I policies, and 3 years in Smart Specialisation 2 Seniors: 3 & 2 years, respectively Minimum € 100,000 invoiced in such activities in at least 1 of last 5 years.
Tender: Tendering Specifications Assessment criteria Quantitative (price): 30% Not quantitative: 70% Methodology and work plan: 40% Criteria: conformity with the work’s objective, degree of development, concretisation. Applied to: work plan, methodology, actions proposed, chronogram, individual dedication, deliverables Adaptation to the regional system: 10%. Links to national and European context: 10%. Technical methodological improvements (10%), related to: Analysis of new context and Strategy’s implementation. Evaluation techniques, to determine the Strategy’s impact.
for Science and Technology Thank you for your attention Gregorio MUÑOZ-ABAD Deputy Commissioner for Science and Technology