Student Teaching Orientation Chaminade University Education Division Winter/Spring 2006
Welcome Dr David Jelinek- Dean of Education Tina Gomes- Field Services/Advisor Elementary Amanda Street- Field Services/Advisor Secondary, SPED, Non-SATEP
Professional Expectations Insurance Keep commitments Follow school policy/procedures Good communication Focus on the children Plan ahead! Confidentiality Reflect Dress Written communication Extra curricular activities Professional development opportunities Be resourceful
Expectations of Student Teachers p4 ST Manual Develop relationships with principal and cooperating teacher early on. Visit the school, get to know the staff. Obtain necessary materials. Arrival/Departures Attend school functions Attend Seminar Take interest in students’ learning Exhibit sensitivity Willing to grow Contact US once a week
Procedures p 5 ST Manual PHASE I Routine activities, Assistant teacher PHASE II Bit Teaching, Block Teaching PHASE III Solo Teaching SUGGESTED TIMELINES FOR ELEM/SECONDARY in Field Exp. Manual p 25
Policies Dates of Student Teaching p 12 ST Manual Attendance Policy p 12 ST Manual Student Teachers acting as substitutes p 27 Field Exp Manual Presence of CT is mandatory at all times. Substitute must be hired by the school in absence of CT. 3 Days Maximum as a paid substitute, ONLY in YOUR classroom.
Completion/Licensure p 28 Field Exp. Manual Students may complete and receive credit for student teaching, but NOT be recommended for licensure/certification based upon the evaluations of Chaminade administration and Education faculty. CRITERIA for Successfully Completing and Receiving Credit for ST and for Obtaining a Recommendation for Licensure/Certification
Evaluation Grading/Evaluation is done on CR/NC basis. Midterm Evaluation done by the CT, US should also be a part of evaluation. Final Evaluation MUST be signed by ALL parties and include a narrative. The Final Evaluation should be discussed and agreed upon, then signed by ST, CT, US.
Should a problem arise in the cooperating school, it should be dealt with the lowest level possible. If necessary, a conference will be scheduled amongst all involved parties. Notify Field Services.
Cooperating Teachers p 3 ST Manual Meet weekly with Student Teacher Preview ST lesson plans Integrated curriculum lesson plan allowance Discuss ST progress with US during visit Be present in the classroom Evaluate, report, and write a letter of recommendation for student teachers at the completion of the program
Student Teacher’s Ten Commandments
University Supervisor p 3-4 ST Manual Makes 3-5 visits per semester. Makes a courtesy visit early in the semester to make arrangements for bit and block teaching, and meets the principal(s). Visits the student teacher twice during the solo teaching period and spends adequate time observing the student teacher. Provides written observations including commendations and recommendations that are reveiwed with the ST and CT, and provides copies of documentation to Field Services, as well as the student.
ST Manual and Field Experiences Manual need to be referenced during each US visit. Make sure necessary copies are readily available for the US or CT. ST- Keep a written journal during this time. Feedback is important!
Checklist for Student Teachers Hints for CT Welcoming the ST ST Agreement CT Personal Data Form Weekly Meeting Form Informal Evaluation Forms Compensation Agreement Mid-Term and Final Evaluation Forms