A stormy night in jail It's one stormy night in jail and your trying to escape you have two ways to get out you could go through the underground but you have to make it to the other side in two minutes or else you die because you couldn't breath. The second option is to sneak and go pass the guards but if you get caught you stay in jail for a lifetime. Sneak past the guards Go through the underground
Sneak past the guards You past all the guards and you made it out but now they are looking for you on helicopters so what do you want to do. A or B. Do you hide in a school at the technology room Do you run to your house
Went through the underground You went through the underground and you didn't make it out alive Game over!! Try again
Technology Room You farted and they smell it and they say criminal you lose LOSE Try again
YOU WIN Hide in your house You hide in your house under the bed they look at your house they don't see you you win YOU WIN