Rannis Kick off meeting 29. January 2019, Oslo Work Package 5 Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination of the results Rannis Kick off meeting 29. January 2019, Oslo
Work package aim To communicate, exploit and disseminate results of BlueBio projects. These activities will support the Cofund and the funded projects to realise tangible impacts on the blue bioeconomy. An online platform will be developed to promote the activities of the network and dissemination of knowledge outputs from funded projects. This WP will build on the knowledge and experience from the previous ERA-nets, ERA-MBT and COFASP, and will ensure that outputs from projects previously funded through relevant ERA-Nets remain visible. This WP will work closely with the management of BlueBio and other WPs to ensure that knowledge outputs are used to their full potential drawing on the networks of JPI Oceans, COFASP and MBT.
Work package aim To communicate, exploit and disseminate results of BlueBio projects. These activities will support the Cofund and the funded projects to realise tangible impacts on the blue bioeconomy. Lead: Rannis, Participants: RCN, Matis, all partners WP5 Communication and Impact/Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination of the results Task 5.1 Communication and outreach workplan Task 5.2 Visual identity Task 5.3 Website Task 5.4 Partners-only web site Task 5.5 Outreach material Task 5.6 Promote knowledge outputs of funded projects Task 5.7 Additional tasks
Task 5.1. Communication plan
Task 5.2. Visual identity
Task 5.4. Website
Task 5.4. Website bluebio.eu bluebioeconomy.eu Material: Activities Call documents Outer material (e.g. MBT/Cofasp) Partners only website (Task 5.5.)
Social media Social media accounts : Facebook Twitter (Linkedin) YouTube
Infographic Will be published this week