God has not promised skies always blue, Flower strewn pathway


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#362 God Hath Not Promised God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower strewn pathways all our lives thru; God hath not promised sun without rain,

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Presentation transcript:

God has not promised skies always blue, Flower strewn pathway God’s Promise God has not promised skies always blue, Flower strewn pathway All our lives thru sun without rain, Peace without sorrow, joy without pain. 1-3 Words by Sel. by Eld. T. H. Crawford; Arranged by Eld. Harvey Daily / Music by Eld. Harvey Daily

But God has promised strength as our day, rest when we labor God’s Promise But God has promised strength as our day, rest when we labor Light on the way, Grace for our trials help from above, Unfading kindness, undying love. 2-3

Clouds decked with rainbows, God’s Promise Tho’ we have mingled sunshine and rain, Clouds decked with rainbows, Joy mixed with pain, Let us still trust His mercies right on And sing His praises the all day long. 3-3