Learning Goals: 4. Complex Knowledge: demonstrations of learning that go aboveand above and beyond what was explicitly taught. 3. Knowledge: meeting the learning goals and expectations. 2. Foundational knowledge: simpler procedures, isolated details, vocabulary. 1. Limited knowledge: know very little details but working toward a higher level. How do stars differ from moons and planets, and from one another? How does the classification of stars help us understand how they evolve over their lifetimes? What are the different types of stars? What happens when different types of stars die? Why is it important for us to understand stars?
Today you will… 1) describe the physical properties of stars 2) create a scatterplot diagram using data for these properties 3) analyze the scatterplot patterns to describe the relationships between the properties Today’s Question: What patterns emerge when the properties of stars are plotted?
Properties of Homo sapiens Brainstorming Session: What are some properties that we can use to describe ourselves? Write a couple down Possible answers include but are not limited to: hair color, eye color, height, skin color, hair texture, body type, personality
What causes these properties?
Brainstorm How can the relationship between foot size and height be graphically represented? Discuss – whole class Students may respond with line graph or scatterplot. If students answer “bar graph” review that the purpose of a bar graph is to compare two different things.
Now– you will: Measure your height and foot size (no shoes) On a sticky note, write your name, height and foot size Determine where your sticky note should be placed on the graph After you have placed your data point on the graph, please return to your seat and wait silently until everyone has placed their data
Check the graph Causation – height influences foot size What relationships can we describe based on the data? Causation – height influences foot size Causation – foot size influences height Positive Correlation Negative Correlation Is there an independent and dependent variable? No, one factor doesn’t affect the other Is this relationship most likely a causation or correlation? Why? Correlation, there is no cause/effect relationship Do you think there will be a positive or negative correlation? Why? There is a positive correlation because one factor increases as the other increases What did you notice that was unusual about the x-axis? The sequence of values is reversed from the standard format (lower values are on the right and higher values are on the left)
Yes! We Can!!! Can we…..? 1) describe the physical properties of stars 2) create a scatterplot diagram using data for these properties 3) analyze the scatterplot patterns to describe the relationships between the properties Yes! We Can!!!
Your individual task You will plot the temperature and luminosity of stars and describe the relationship between them
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