Who we are and where we’re going Sally Lines, Chief Executive, May 2016
A helpful summary of our strategic plan Who we are: Our vision Our mission Our values What we do: Our business Where we’re going: Our growth areas
Who we are 78-year old Charity (set up as the School of Stitchery & Lace by Julia Sweet) A Housing Association (tenanted accommodation for 61 people currently) A Social Enterprise business (<2% income from grants) Turnover ca. £3.6m pa, assets ca. £6m, reserves £1.6m, no debts & no outstanding loans Approx 115 staff, 120 volunteers & 100 people with primarily learning disabilities supported each day
Our Vision Creating a society where individuals receive the support they need and are enabled and encouraged to lead enriched and fulfilling lives.
Our Mission People with support needs are at the heart of our service; we help facilitate their independence, equip them with skills and support them in living enriched and fulfilling lives in their local and wider communities.
Our Values At The Grange we want to work: With integrity In an open manner With dignity & respect for others In a friendly & caring way In an inclusive, empowering & enabling manner With mutual trust for each other In partnership
What we do The Grange is a significant provider of services for people with learning disabilities in Surrey. Housing Care & Support Skills & Activities
We provide: HOMES in the form of tenanted accommodation for up to 43 tenants onsite & 19 tenants offsite CARE for 16 residents onsite SUPPORTED LIVING services for 71 people SKILLS & ACTIVITIES for most of the above + >20 individual day clients (ca. 100 people daily)
Growth? Homes: incremental, £ & location- dependent Care: £ yes, # no Supported Living ‘outreach’ yes Skills & Activities with Main House yes
Overall Philosophy Strengthen what we have Build on what we know Use our reputation to our advantage Stay local