-A dedicated American learner French Contracts -A dedicated American learner
Types of Contracts CPE CDD CDI Senior CDD Retirement Maternity
CPE – Contract Premiere Embauche AKA First Job Contract Age 26 and under Easier to terminate employment
CDD- Contract Duration Determinee Temporary contract 3 months- 2 years Can be renewed up to two times Commonly used for seasonal work Christmas Summer Farming or wineries Internships
CDI- Contract Duration Indeterminee Open ended contract May contain trial period Must contain the following Name of company and employee Job title, description, start date, benefit time Salary rate, pay frequency, and method Required hours of attendance
Senior CDD Employees over age 57 Temporary contract to allow for impending retirement Retirement date, if known
Retirement Legal age to retire 60 Average employee retires between 60-70 years of age At or after the age of 70, the employer can force the employee to retire
Maternity Mothers 3rd child? Dad 6 weeks off before, 10 weeks after 11 consecutive days