Trevor Meintel and Abby StAuffer For our wind turbine, we created a leaf resembling blade design. We looked to many places for inspiration before we decided on this design. For this design, we searched for the blade designs of real wind turbines. We used it because these designs must have a very high efficiency to be used at a professional level. We looked up pictures of real turbines and tried to replicate the design of the blade. Before we decided to use this design, we looked to the best kidwind design for help. We tested our turbine by using the turbine with a different number of blades. After testing the turbine with a number of different combinations of blades, we decided that six blades was the most efficient design. We then slightly tweaked the angles of the blades. After testing angles from 15 degrees to 60 degrees, we decided that 30 degrees was the best design. Together, with the best blade design and angle, we created a turbine with an extremely high efficiency.