Men’s Journey Group Fall 2018 Simplify Your Spiritual Life by Donald Whitney
Simplifying and Others Recite the Memory Verse On pg 174-75, he discusses the framework of ‘Read, Pray, Sing’ for family worship. How do you practice any/all of these currently in your family? What is the next step you (personally) need to do, to be prepared to discuss your faith with others as he discussed in the “Prepare for evangelism with a simple outline” chapter? Others: Family Read, Pray, Sing Present family and future family Others: Non-Christians and strangers Ask: how can I pray for you? Be ready to talk in detail about your faith And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Ac 2:42.
Simplifying and Others Others: Other Christians Service Look for needs and hurts Consider the many unadvertised opportunities Fellowship conversations that occur by intent and discipline develop your personal methods of prompting christian fellowship encourage face-to-face with other christians when and where you can What fellowship prompting conversations starters do you enjoy? What from the list on pg 193 do you think would be helpful in adding to your future conversations?
Phil 2:1-4 ! ?
See you in 2019 for the next session!