Save the Date: Nov. 16th 2:30-3:15 p.m. Miss Yates’ Newsletter: Nov. 5th-9th Thank you to all who helped at our Fall Party. A special thank you to Monique Harvison for planning such exciting activities. We need volunteers for Teacher’s Lunch Off on Friday, Nov. 9th. Please contact Wendy in the office a.s.a.p. Sn 11/4-Daylight Savings Time-Fall Back 1 Hour W 11/7-White Heart Rosary 8am -School Picture Retakes 10:45 am-noon F 11/9-Teacher’s Lunch Off-Need Volunteers -Mystery Snack (ends with –g): Eli Sa 11/10-Playa Azul Fundraiser-10% sales to SJCS Specials: Monday-P.E., Computers Tuesday-Atrium, Music, Adoration Wednesday-P.E., Computers Thursday-Keyboarding, Music Friday-Library, Fr. John Religion Play parts need to be memorized by Nov. 12th. That leaves us 1 week and 2 weekends to practice! Let me know if your child needs to study it at school. Children can bring their own rosary to White Heart Rosary on Wednesday! Please send cold weather outerwear everyday with your child/ren! Looking Ahead: Thanksgiving Play! We will have a small mixer after our play for the parents and family members to get to know each other. If anyone can help make tea, water, and provide cookies please let me know. Save the Date: Nov. 16th 2:30-3:15 p.m. Reading-L2 short /i/ sound Phonics-short /i/ D’Nealian Handwriting-Number Math-Ch. 2-Subtraction Concepts Social Studies-L10- Religion-All Saints’ Day Science-5 Senses-Taste Bully Free-Lesson 8-gentleness Show & Tell-starts with /k/ like kangaroo Sight Words/Math Facts on assigned day! Math Fluency-Return practice sheet sent on Friday for EXTRA credit! DIBELS-Packet in Red Folder to be documented weekly for EXTRA credit! Wednesday Spelling Test: 3A: dot, hot, lot – -- (316) 491-3728