Health, Physical Education and Outdoor Education Level 1 courses 2020
HealtH, Physical Education & Outdoor Education The Health, Physical Education & Outdoor Education learning area offers nine different semester courses for Level 1 students. There are genuine academic pathways in both Health and Physical Education across Year 11, Levels 1, 2 and 3: intellectually challenging courses of study that lead to course endorsement, University Entrance, Scholarship and on to degree courses. Health, Physical Education & Outdoor Education also offers a range of practical learning experiences that are designed to get you thinking, working with others and enhancing your own and others’ well-being. When selecting these semester courses, be mindful that Outdoor Education semester courses are only offered in certain halves of the year. Semester course choices need to be decided by Wednesday 4th September. Semester courses will be displayed in the G3 foyer and you can ask any department member if you have any questions.
Health Education – Fuel for Life (11HEF) Semester Course Outline: Students will be able to understand the value of nutrition, what influences food choices and be able to make healthy nutritional choices: Personal well-being Differing view-points Personal goal setting Influences and effects on wider issues in society Leads to: HED201 Level 1 Literacy Classroom based Individual projects Group Tasks For more information ask: Mrs Jones
Health Education – Kit up your Kete (11HEK) Semester Course Outline: Students will be able to create a tool-kit to maintain health and take action to enhance the wellbeing of the school community Recognise factors that influence personal wellbeing Self-select a topical health issue and take action in a group to make a difference Issues could include (Social media, STI’s, high rates of anxiety, depression, addiction, bullying etc). Leads to: HED201 Level 2 NCEA credits Classroom based Individual projects Group Tasks For more information ask: Mrs Jones
Health Education – Sexuality & Social Situations (11HES) Semester Course Outline: Students will be able to explore “what makes you unique”, a healthy versus unhealthy relationship, and develop strategies to keep safe in social situations. Promote positive sexuality Prevention of drug issues Interpersonal skills Develop personal strategies Leads to: HED201 Level 1Literacy Classroom based Individual projects Group Tasks For more information ask: Mrs Jones
Physical Education – Back to the Future (11PEF) Semester Course Outline: An academic PE focus, enabling students to challenge taken-for-granted assumptions of how societal influences impact self and others in physical activity. Students will explore generational activities through the following: Surfing, Skateboarding, Lawn bowls, Mega Air, Fitness Industries Leads to: PED201, SPL201, PER201 Level 1 Literacy Mixture of practical and classroom learning Individual Project Group Tasks For more information ask: Miss Styles
Physical Education – Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (11PEH) Semester Course Outline: An academic PE focus, encouraging students to think critically around how science can be used to enhance sports performance. These will be done through: Anatomy Biomechanics Exercise Physiology Leads to: PED201, SPL201, PER201 Level 1 Literacy Mixture of practical and classroom learning Individual Project Group Tasks For more information ask: Miss Styles
Physical Education – Smells Like Team Spirit (11PET) Semester Course Outline: Students will run through a typical competition season across a variety of sporting activities exploring many key themes. These include: Preparation Performance Improvement Key Relationships within a team Roles and responsibilities Leads to: SPL201, PER201 Level 2 NCEA Mixture of practical and classroom learning Individual Project Group Tasks For more information ask: Miss Styles
Physical Education – Lets Get Physical (11PEP) Semester Course Outline: The course has an emphasis on participation, challenge, personal development interpersonal skills and how physical activity impacts wellbeing and attitude towards movement. These concepts are explored in a practical way: Through a variety of practical and sporting contexts Classroom discussion and assignment work Leads to: SPL201, PER201 Level 1 NCEA Mixture of practical and classroom learning Individual Project Group Tasks For more information ask: Miss Styles
Outdoor Education – Water Skills (11OEWa) Semester Course Outline: Experience a range of outdoor activities through water contexts. Kayaking Surfing Snorkelling Camp craft skills Interpersonal skills Safety in the outdoors Quality performance Leads to: OED203 Level 1 NCEA Activities in and out of school For more information ask: Mr Aitken
Outdoor Education – Land Skills (11OELb) Semester Course Outline: Experience a range of outdoor activities in the outdoors on land. Rock Climbing Mountain Biking Tramping Camp craft skills Interpersonal skills Safety in the outdoors Quality performance Leads to: OED203 Level 1 NCEA Activities in and out of school (including an over night camp) For more information ask: Mr Aitken