Health & Safety Information Night Needham Elementary February 13, 2018.
Welcome (Jenny) Presentation Format: 5-10 minutes per presenter Questions & Answers at the end of all presentations
Substance Abuse & Safe 2 Tell (School Resource Officers Jim Martindale, Sgt. Dave Peterson) Law Enforcement Elementary Students
Illnesses, Injuries & Lice (Judy) Cold/Flu Head Injuries Lice
Technology & Student Safety Cyber 5 of Internet Safety Never share personal information (passwords, contact information) Don’t download alone or click on pop-ups Don’t respond to a Bully Copy & Paste it, Save it, & Print If you feel uncomfortable with what you see, tell an adult immediately
Bullying (Jenny/Sallie) 1) Rude- Inadvertently saying or doing something that hurts someone else. 2) Mean- Purposefully saying or doing something to hurt someone once, usually based on angry feelings. 3) Bullying-Intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power. Bullying has the 3 P's- Purpose, Pattern, Power. CDE Bullying Legislation CDE School Video How to Stop a Bully "Bullying is a conscious choice to be cruel. Children who bully lack empathy- the ability to know what it feels like to be in someone else's shoes and to have compassion for others' pain and suffering." -Trudy Ludwig Taken from a presentation with Signe Whitson ASCA 2017
Our Response to Bullying Team Meeting Behavior Tracking Form Daily Monitoring & I.C. entries Consequences Counseling/SEL Interventionist What to Do: Parents Groups Plan Assessment SRO Involvement Superintendent Review
Suicide (Sallie) When a threat to self or others is made. All comments are taken seriously. -Student meets with Mrs. Kautter or other members of the school that are involved with the child. -A threat/suicide screen is conducted. -Parents are contacted. -Decision is made whether a student poses a threat/risk. -Plan is made to address concern if needed.
Lockdown & Evacuation (Jenny) Handout Evacuation Site
Closing & Question/Answer Format (speakers available until 7:00 for questions)