Types of Maps complete your graphic organizer
Physical Maps Shows physical features mountains rivers oceans bodies of water deserts plains
Political Maps shows political features national borders state and provincial boundaries capitals and other important cities
Thematic Maps Shows specific types of information: Population (e.g., distribution and density) Economic activity Resource Language Ethnicity Climate Precipitation Vegetation
Which areas are the most populated? Least populated? Why do you think that is?
What kind of climate does most of Australia have?
What is the largest religious/ethnic group in Iraq What is the largest religious/ethnic group in Iraq? What is the largest city?
Mental Maps Based on our own perception of a location Uses include ... Carry out daily activities (e.g., route to school, shopping) Give directions to others Understand world events Turn to a shoulder buddy and explain how to get to your next class
Mental Maps People improve their mental maps through both personal experience and learning (How long did it take you to improve your mental map of the school?) Serve as indicators of how well people know the spatial characteristics of certain places