What is a summary?
A summary covers the main points of a work (writing, movie, speech, article, etc.)
You will be writing summaries using the IVF format. Why write a summary? Find main (key) ideas Leave out extra & unimportant information Demonstrate that you understand what you read Increase comprehension You will be writing summaries using the IVF format.
What does IVF mean? I = Identify V = Verb F = Finish the thought
How to set up your paper for an IVF summary
Step 1: Fold your paper burrito style (3 columns) Name Period Date
Step 2: Label the columns Name Period Date Identify Verb Finish the thought
Step 3: Prepare the information Name Period Date Identify Verb (choose 1) Finish the thought · Author describes · Genre (type explains or kind) tells · Title Identify as many of these as possible!!
VERBS TO USE tells explains compares Lists shows defines acknowledges evaluates classifies adds defends asserts features depicts identifies entertains confirms names considers offers judges contrasts praises demonstrates provides recommends endorses asks suggests entices
Example IVF summary Identify Daphine du Maurier’s short story, “The Birds” Verb (choose one) describes tells depicts Finish the thought a series of attacks on people by huge flocks of birds. about sudden and vicious attacks on people by large flocks of birds. large flocks of birds viciously attacking people.
Now what do I do? Identify Daphine du Maurier’s short story “The Birds” Verb (choose one) describes tells depicts Finish the thought large flocks of birds viciously attacking people. Write your IVF summary sentence: Daphine du Maruier’s short story, “The Birds,” depicts large flocks of birds, viciously attacking people.