Table 3. Assets of commercial banks (Bank)-economic growth: GMM


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Presentation transcript:

Table 3. Assets of commercial banks (Bank)-economic growth: GMM Sample of 84countries 72 developing countries 12 developed countries Variables Coeff Constant -0,569*** -0,537*** -0,571*** (1,93) (1,89) (1,90) GDP {1} 0,044** 0,054** -0,043** (2,35) (2,42) (2,39) Bank{1} 0,038* 0,032* 0,029* (2,97) (2,86) (2,85) INF{1} -0,054* -0,055* -0,058* (3,79) (3,97) (4,10) OUV{1} 0,008*** -0,003*** 0,005*** (1,72) (1,68) (1,69) INVES{1} 0,065* 0,068* 0,072* (3,72) (3,83) (3,99) GOV{1} -0,005 -0,009 -0,004 (1,02) (1,01) (0,91) CH{1} 0,085* 0,090* 0,095* (4,59) (4,75) (4,79) Q (2)a 34,563 27,523 50,990 J-Specificationb 412,466 403,387 400,440 R2 0,595 0,523 0,559 Notes: The dependent variable is the growth rate of GDP per capita. Brackets, the value of t-statistics. *** Significant at 10% level, ** significant at 5% level, * significant at 1%. a The Q(2) statistic represents the test for second-order autocorrelation. The values shown in the table are p-values of the Q(2) statistic These values clearly show that a lack of autocorrelation of order 2. b The values presented in the table represent the p-values of the J-test Specification. These values can widely accept the assumption of validity of the instruments. Khalil Mhadhbi et al. Financial Development and Economic Growth: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis. International Journal of Econometrics and Financial Management, 2014, Vol. 2, No. 2, 48-58. doi:10.12691/ijefm-2-2-1 © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Science and Education Publishing.