Angola SRHR Campaign Report Em Busca da Igualdade e Justiça Económica
Campaign Lauch Angola SRHR campaign is based on maternal health and HIV/AIDS, including GBV Campaign was launched in November 2018 at the same time with the Barometer Key stakeholders were invited to participate – include: Senior staff in the Ministry of Health Senior staff of the main Maternity Hospital in the country Senior staff from the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Women Affairs Members of Parliament UNFPA CSO – including CBOs and Faith Based Organizations
Presentation Procedure The presentation of the activity was based on the information contained in the Barometer – emphasizing the status of Angola as regards the SADC Protocol compliance The need to improve on the country gender development indicators was stressed
Broadening the SRHR Campaign A survey intended to widen the SRHR network was carried out from April – June 2019 One Association of Young Ladies was identified in Bié Province in the Central Region of the Country A Network of 5 organizations was also identified in Huila Province in the Southern Region of Angola Both were integrated into the Alliance campaign The organizations have carried out sexual education and GBV in schools and market places
Reproductive Rights and HIV/AIDS A training based Reproductive Rights was carried out in July 2019 The training was facilitated by a Reproductive Health Professional Participants from 16 organizations benefited from the training
Training Content The was divided into 3 modules: Module 1 – discussed the social, psychological and economic implication of sexual rights Module 2 – addressed the biological composition of male and female reproductive organs – including family planning services Module 3 – reflected upon HIV/AIDS with emphasis on forms of acquisition, prevalence and methods of prevention
Challenges Lack of funds has had an adverse impact on the running of the campaign The traditional partner NCA is restructuring its strategy and only taking care of administrative expenses and competency building Efforts are in progress in order to source funds for the campaign and other related interventions