ASSESSMENT OF METAL CONTENT IN SERUM OF DYALIZED PATIENTS 63rd ICASS Sara Valderrama,a Ricardo Molina,a Carlos del Pozo,a José-Luis Todolíb ( a Hospital Virgen de los Lirios, Calle Caramanxel, s/n, 03804, Alcoy, Alicante, Spain. b Department of Analytical Chemistry, Nutrition and Food Science. University of Alicante. P.O. Box 99, E-03080 Alicante, Spain Hospital Virgen de los Lirios, Alcoy INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENTAL Sample collection & preparation Metals and metalloids Hemodialysis → Validation of a ICP-MS methodology for serum analysis → Quantification of fourteen elements in 1:10 diluted serum → Elemental analysis for the control population → Preliminary studies for major (Na, K,Ca, Mg) and additional elements (Br, Sn, Nb). 1:10 ICP-MS analysis METHOD VALIDATION Co Cr Ni Precision: 5 – 10 % RSD Accuracy: Most of the elements within ± 20% Mo As Sb Zn Rb Se Comparison of the normalized intensity dialyzed patients (blue bars) versus the normalized intensity for control population (red line) Mn V Cu Sr Ba Percentage of patients with elemental content above, below and similar to that for the control population as a function of the element 118Sn CONCLUSIONS ICP-MS provides accurate results in the trace analysis of human serum through internal standardization. Cr, Co, Ni, As, Mo and Sb accumulate in hemodialyzed patitens whereas Zn, Se and Rb are depleted with respect to a control population. No differences between groups exist for elements such as V, Mn, Cu, Sr and Ba Additional differences in elemental content can be found for Si, Nb, Br, Sn (K and Mg).