Have this opening slide on the screen as attendees come into the room. Welcome: Purpose of today’s information session is to build awareness about the Canadian Women’s Foundation Campaign to End Violence and how your company can support the Campaign through participation in Move for Hope Talk about the relationship and history between Edelmen and the Canadian Women’s Foundation Generate enthusiasm and motivation for your colleagues to sign up as Team Captains, consider joining a current team, fundraise/donate or support your company’s efforts in other ways.
JOIN TEAM YOUR TEAM NAME! SLIDE UPDATE: when you see a word in RED, update it with your customized information. In this slide, please replace the word COMPANY with your company’s name What we are here to talk about today: Purpose of today’s information session is to build awareness about the Canadian Women’s Foundation Campaign to End Violence and how your company can support the Campaign through participation in Move for Hope Generate enthusiasm and motivation for your colleagues to sign up as Team Captains, consider joining a current team, fundraise/donate or support your company’s efforts in other ways.
STOP VIOLENCE END POVERTY EMPOWER GIRLS The Canadian Women’s Foundation is the only national foundation dedicated to moving women out of violence, out of poverty, and info confidence. STOP VIOLENCE END POVERTY EMPOWER GIRLS About the Canadian Women’s Foundation: The Canadian Women’s Foundation is Canada’s only national foundation dedicated to giving women and girls a chance for a better life. As a women’s foundation, we specialize in helping women and girls move out of violence, out of poverty, and into confidence. The foundation’s work is focused around three main pillars – stopping violence, ending poverty and empowering girls. We work with experts and community leaders from across the country to develop strategies that work, and then carefully select community programs that have the strongest long-term outcomes for women and girls.
The Canadian Women’s Foundation Campaign to End Violence: Every May The Canadian Women’s Foundation holds the Campaign to End Violence with the goals of raising awareness about the issue of violence against women in Canada and fundraising to support their violence prevention work. All of the funds raised by the Campaign to End Violence are invested in 447 women’s emergency shelters across Canada and 67 violence prevention programs that help women rebuild their lives after leaving a violent relationship. The Campaign consists of 3 components: Shop for Hope, Text to Donate, Move for Hope. It is Move for Hope that we want to encourage you to get involved with today. I’ll start by showing you the Move for Hope PSA. (show PSA)
Saturday, May 30th - 11am local time GET MOVING! Move for Hope is a fun, energizing workout led by GoodLife Fitness – for all fitness levels! Pledge-based fundraiser Exciting way to show your support What is Move for Hope: To give you the specific details: What: Move for Hope is a fun and empowering hour long work out that wraps up the Canadian Women’s Foundation month long Campaign to End Violence. It is led by GoodLife fitness and suitable for all fitness levels. It’s an exciting way to raise funds and come together to show support for women in your community who have experienced violence. Date: May 30th Time: 11am (locally in each participating city) Place: Find your local venue at www.moveforhope.ca and insert here Result: Proceeds raised go towards funding emergency shelters and violence prevention programs in your province. Saturday, May 30th - 11am local time Vancouver – Calgary - Winnipeg – Toronto - Montreal - Halifax
The Facts About Violence Every night about 200 women are turned away from shelters because they are full. On any given night more than 6,300 women & children are forced to sleep in shelters because it’s not safe at home . The Facts About Violence: You might wonder, why do we have an annual campaign to end violence, and is this really necessary in Canada? The answer, contrary to what many people may believe, is yes. Sadly, though great strides have been made for women in Canada over the last several decades, violence is still a big problem. Here are some statistics: In Canada, on any night more than 3,300 women (along with their 3,000 children) are forced to sleep in an emergency shelter because it’s not safe at home And every night, about 200 women are turned away because the shelters are full.
The Facts About Violence Approximately every six days , a woman in Canada is killed by her current or former partner. 67% of Canadians personally know a woman who has been physically or sexually abused Facts about violence continued… 67% of Canadians personally know a woman who has been physically or sexually abused; Approximately every six days , a woman in Canada is killed by her current or former partner; HELPFUL POINT: Further information may be found at www.canadianwomen.org SO HOW CAN YOU HELP?
Why YOU should Move: AWARENESS “When we don’t talk about abuse, the stigma flourishes and we lock the door to safety and hope for other women. The Canadian Women’s Foundation’s Move for Hope provides hope and possibilities for women across Canada” – Patricia, Survivor Why Should YOU Move: Awareness So why should you Move? First, to raise awareness. Awareness of the problem helps break the silence. By talking about gender-based violence, we can help create a safe space for people to discuss their experiences and get the support they need. Patricia who is a survivor of domestic violence told us: “My story can be difficult to take in, but I’m sharing it because I want to break the silence. When we don’t talk about abuse, the stigma flourishes and we lock the door to safety and hope for other women. The Canadian Women’s Foundation Annual Campaign to End Violence against Women provides hope and possibilities for women across Canada who have stories like mine. I am so grateful for their incredible work and hope you’ll join me in raising hope for women who have experienced violence.” Note: You can read Patricia’s full story at http://canadianwomen.org/impactPatricia
Why YOU should Move: THE NEED Estimated that 100,000 women rely on support from shelters each year. Cost of violence against women in Canada for health care, criminal justice, social services, lost wages and productivity has been calculated at $4.8 billion per year. Shelters rely heavily on community organizations such as Canadian Women’s Foundation for support. Without fundraising initiatives like Move for Hope, many shelters would not be unable to offer the support and programing needed to help women who have escaped violence have the tools they need to live a better life. Why Should YOU Move: The Need In addition to increasing awareness about violence against women, there is no doubt that funding is also needed. Here are some numbers to consider: It is estimated that 100,000 women rely on the support from shelters each year. The cost of violence on women and their families is immeasurable, but there is also a financial price paid across our community. The cost of violence against women in Canada stemming from health care, criminal justice, social services, lost wages, and lost productivity has been calculated at $4.8 billion per year. Without fundraising initiatives like Move for Hope, many shelters would not be unable to offer the support and programing needed to help women who have escaped violence have the tools they need to live a better life. “I came for protection from my abuser but I walk away with so much more.” – Helen, Survivor
WHY SHOULD <Your Team> MOVE? Shared experience with colleagues Make a positive impact in the community Why should Edelman Move? You can customize this slide with the reasons you wish to start a team and the benefits from doing so You may wish to share this quote from one of our other company teams: “Our Emera team came together to demonstrate our support and care for those who have suffered from violence and to show them there is hope in the world. Through Move for Hope we were able to express our care in a small way for both those who need a new start without violence in their lives, as well as for those kind-hearted souls who help to provide that. Our involvement and commitment to raising money for this important cause has touched all of our hearts.” - Emera “Everyday I consider myself fortunate to be in a place where I can help other women change their lives - just as friends helped me change mine. Together we can move mountains.“ – Debra
Recruitment & Fundraising Goals Number of Teams (Team Captains) – XXX Total team members – XXX $ Fundraising Goal – XXX Additional support (if applicable) Corporate matching program Corporate donation Move for Hope event sponsorship Recruitment & Fundraising Goals You can brainstorm and share your recruitment and fundraising goals for the 2015 event: * Number of Teams (each team requires a Team Captain) – COMPLETE ON THE SLIDE IN RED * Total number of team members or participants - COMPLETE ON THE SLIDE IN RED * $ Fundraising Goal – COMPLETE ON THE SLIDE IN RED Additional support NOTE: If applicable, choose whichever corporate support your company offers or is planning to provide as way to show your support for employee efforts and commitment to creating safety for women and children.
Join Team <Your team name> on Saturday, May 30th Visit www.moveforhope.ca to get started today! SLIDE UPDATE: please update COMPANY in red to your own name.