Vision Sunday - 2018 AGENDA Vision review Progress update Finishing ‘18: Laying the foundation for ‘19 Prayer
Grow over two years to become a self-sustaining Gospel ministry! Our 2-Year Roadmap Jan ‘20 Self-sufficient Gospel Impact Particularized Aug ‘19 Hired pastor 2 new communities New venue 2 new communities 2 external ministries Leadership Training Cohort Jan ‘19 Presbytery engagement Particularization 20% growth over FY ‘17 Spiritually disciplined With spiritual fruit Today 2 new communities More missionary support Church purity / unity Consistent Fellowship Expansion Solid liturgy / worship Operational systems 4 communities 0 outside ministries Low giving Stewardship Inconsistent attendance Time Grow over two years to become a self-sustaining Gospel ministry!
Grow over two years to become a self-sustaining Gospel ministry! Our 2-Year Roadmap Jan ‘20 Self-sufficient Gospel Impact Particularized Aug ‘19 Hired pastor 2 new communities New venue 2 new communities 2 external ministries Leadership Training Cohort Jan ‘19 Presbytery engagement Particularization 20% growth over FY ‘17 Spiritually disciplined With spiritual fruit Today 2 new communities More missionary support Church purity / unity Consistent Fellowship Expansion Solid liturgy / worship Operational systems 4 communities 0 outside ministries Low giving Stewardship Inconsistent attendance Time Grow over two years to become a self-sustaining Gospel ministry!
Accomplishing our stewardship goals together through God’s grace. 2018 Leadership Goals Processes People Provisions Transition communities (done) Dev. Stewardship Account. Plan (done) Dev. Missions Care Vision (done) Initiate Regular Prayer/Fasting (done) Dev. Women Ministry Vision (done) 10 new people deployed (done) Security Advisor Team in place (done) Complete ‘18 budget (done) Communicate giving needs (done) 1Q Launch Women Ministry re-vision (done) Finalize Security Plan (done) Dev. Men’s Ministry Vision (done) Dev. Youth Ministry Vision done Recruit HopeKids Director done Envision on “Porching” done Recruit Men’s Study Leader done Recruit KidsCommunity Team done Initiate accounting planning done Begin Finance Forum dev. done 2Q Implement Youth Ministry Plan done Launch a new Community done Implement Men’s Ministry Plan done Implement Marriage Mentoring done Music Community Plan done KidsCommunity done Deploy new HopeKids Director done Recruit Accounting Team done Envision/Equip Marriage Mentors done Recruit new S.O. & Exec Ops Directors done Update donors on giving status done Implement Financial Peace Class delayed Begin accounting & giving system developing 3Q Dev. LTC Content delayed New Members Forum done Dev Cultivation Forum Finalize & Launch GAP done Develop Community Ldr Group done Recruit more GAP hosts done Recruit KidsCommunity Leader done Complete ‘19 budget done Church Comms. Plan developed done Accounting/giving system up developing Fulfil our annual financial commitment to RUF done 4Q Goals: Focus on execution - not reacting to exceptions Full utilization of God’s gifting to the church Spiritual stewardship $30k of savings Accomplishing our stewardship goals together through God’s grace.
Financial Progress TOTAL $ WEEKLY $ WEEKLY $ per ADULT2 Giving target: 110,000 2,115 42.31 YTD target: 80,385 2,115 42.31 $ 9.99 Needed weekly individual giving increase: 2 YTD giving1: 75,274 1,980 39.62 YTD shortfall: 5,111 135 2.69 Remaining goal: 34,726 2,480 49.61 1 As of 9/23/18 2 Based on 50 adults We are covering expenses (less pastor) but below the goal for particularization.
Critical mass means we must break the 90 person/week barrier. Attendance Trends We recovered from loss of two large families in 1Q ’17. We always see a slight uptick from 3Q to 4Q Attendance consistency alone can drive attendance growth Critical mass means we must break the 90 person/week barrier.
Stewardship Expansion COMMUNITY Mercer Hahn Baysinger Tanneberger Areas of Stewardship NURTURE HopeKids KidCommunity Marriage mentor Women’s study Men’s study LTC CULTIVATION Seasonal feasts Young-adult desserts Student lunch Community Generosity Means of Grace Discipleship Sabbath Serving Evangelizing SUNDAY WORSHIP Preaching Sacraments Liturgy Music Community Sunday Operations Partnerships RUF: Groups, Lunches, Conf’s GAP ELIC (Hannah) CIP (Presbytery) SERVICE Prayer & consideration on execution plan Exec Operations Accounting Website Policies/Procedures Coaching Communications Continue to nurture stewardship / while focusing on expansion activities.
Feedback Vision Concerns Observed ministry impact Experienced ministry impact Ideas Gifting utilization Gain insight on how to maximize participation and improve ministry impact.
Approaching the Throne of Grace “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6 May we rely on God’s presence and power as we seek to build his ministry!