Encouraging Good Learning Behaviours for Vulnerable pupils Reviewing Targets and encouraging independent learners
Encouraging Independence We are encouraging good learning behaviours with BLP across the school. Teaching children how to learn Essentially the way to accelerate pupil progress is to develop positive learning behaviours Independence resilience reflection reciprocity resourcefulness
My Good Learning Behaviours Perseverance I can take responsibility for my work and the effort that I put into it Reflection I can evaluate and take pride in my work. I know we can achieve Resilience I can learn from from mistakes, rethinking learning to improve Respect I can treat others as they wish to be treated. I know it is ok for others to think differently Risk Taking I can ask ‘What if…?’ pushing myself to try new things even if they are hard. My Good Learning Behaviours Thinking I can value my ideas, solve problems and consider new ideas Independence I can help myself when I am stuck or know where to get help.
Promoting Independent learners developing communication that included language focused on learning: this helped students become more aware of the steps involved in learning, understand their own learning styles and helped students and teachers share their thinking; providing students with opportunities to self- monitor: the review suggested self- monitoring depends on the two processes of establishing goals and receiving feedback from others and from oneself. in successful independent learning part of the role of the teacher shifted from an expert transmitting knowledge to that of a ‘coach’ helping students to acquire the strategies necessary for learning. Studies highlight the importance of students being able to reflect on what they had done, monitor their progress and use self- assessment in order to take responsibility for their own learning.
Target Review Benefits What is it? An opportunity for pupils to; Discuss and re-enforce their week’s learning Review and clarify any gaps or misconceptions in learning Pre-learn and set goals/targets for the next week Know what it is they are learning/need to know Know their next steps Become responsible for their own learning Evaluate their own targets Find evidence that they have met their targets Pupil will; Have raised self-esteem in learning/social skills Contribute more readily in class and in group work Be more engaged in class think independently during tasks Be more organised with resources Have a clear idea of expectations (bespoke) Achieve their individual targets or SAP targets Recognise their mistakes and be able to edit more meaningfully
Steps to Target Review Step 1 – Pupil Interview Step 2 - Teacher comment Step 3 – Evidence collection Step 4 – achievements Step 5 – Activity based on target Step 6 – Pupil summary/set new goals
Successful Implementation Key worker and teacher work together to set relevant work for the intervention each week (This could be pre-teaching for the following week or consolidation from the previous week) Teacher will consider feedback from target review when setting appropriate work for these pupils Teacher and TA will both encourage pupils to work independently within class (using set resources and using independent skills) Communication
Ideas for target Review discussion Resources – using cue cards in class, using specific practical resources for maths, reading and writing frames Modelling mind mapping, categorising ideas/facts, remembering spellings, learning structures Problem solving approaches such as; RUCSAC Going through class work and consolidating learning Editing work, reviewing success ladders, responding to marking (adult modelling or guiding) Reviewing SAP targets or class targets – pupils finding evidence from class work
Possible Targets Put your hand up in class to contribute once in each lesson Complete a written task for 15 mins Edit your writing for full stops and capital letters Keep hand writing legible so that you can read it back Sit calmly and focus for 10 mins during input COMMUNICATION COGNITION AND LEARNING BEHAVIOUR AND EMOTIONS EVERY DAY LIFE SOCIAL SKILLS
What will this look like in KS1 and High Quality Teaching? Making Learning Behaviours prominent Rewards for Good Learning Behaviour Learning Behaviours prompt board Learning behaviours evident in marking Intervention