Harris County High School 8th Grade Orientation Welcome Class of 2023
Harris County High School Administrators Mr. Todd Stanfill Principal Dr. Donna Patterson Assistant Principal, Curriculum/Academic Achievement Mrs. Laura Jackson Assistant Principal, Test Coordinator Mr. Tim Cockrell Assistant Principal, CTAE Director Mr. Clay McCall Assistant Principal
Harris County High School Counselors Mr. Jonathan Phillips (Guidance Director) Mrs. Amanda Elliott Mrs. Tammy Bailey Mrs. Nikki Greiner
8th Grade Transition Activities Nikki Greiner
8th Grade Transition Activities January 29 - HCHS CTAE Fair at HCCMS February 7 - 8th Grade Parent Night at HCHS 6:00 pm February 11-12 - 8th Graders Tour the High School February 18-19 – High School Counselors visit the Middle School to review Pre-Registration Forms Middle School Academic teachers will initial pink Pre-Registration Forms and send home for parent signature and review.
Pre-Registration Form Be Neat! Fill out ALL Information Return form ON TIME 8th Grade Academic Teachers will make recommendations on your form. Students will request electives; however, students are not guaranteed requested electives. Students will be placed in electives based on availability. Make selections CAREFULLY
Typical 9th Grade Block Schedule 1st semester (Aug – Dec) Academic PE/Health Elective 2nd semester (Jan – May) Academic Elective Algebra I Support is 1st and 2nd Semester.
Academic Plans Each student will meet individually with his/her school counselor every school year to discuss progress towards graduation. These plans will give the student an idea of what to expect over their 4 years of high school. Parents are welcome to attend. Students and parents can ask questions about graduation requirements, progress, HOPE, Work Based Learning, Dual Enrollment, Advanced Placement, etc. during this meeting. High School Academic Planning conferences usually start in September of your 9th grade school year.
ACADEMICS Donna Patterson
Graduation Requirements English Ninth Literature Tenth Literature American Lit English Literature Mathematics Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre-Calculus or 4th Course in Higher Math Science Biology Physical Science or Physics Chemistry or Environmental Science 4th Science Elective
Graduation Requirements Social Studies American Government/ Personal Financial Literacy US History Economics World History Personal Fitness/Health (1 Credit) 3 semesters of JROTC may substitute for this requirement 1 Credit PE/Health (9 weeks PE and 9 weeks Health)
Foreign Language Students planning to enter into a University System of Georgia Institution must take two units of the same foreign language. We offer Spanish and French. We usually recommend students in Accelerated Math and English classes take Foreign Language as 10th graders. All other students can take Foreign Language in the 11th or 12th grades. NEW 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR: We are offering Honors Spanish I and II to the 9th grade students. Only Accelerated 8th grade math students will be allowed to take Honors Spanish in the 9th grade.
Academics We offer Honors and Accelerated Courses *Summer Reading is required for Accelerated Ninth Lit . You will receive this information at the end of the school year and it will be posted on our website. We offer Support Math (Year Long) *8th grade teachers will make recommendations. We offer Advanced Placement (AP) course options starting in the 10th grade. Dual Enrollment options usually become available in the 11th grade. Students must meet college entrance requirements to participate in Dual Enrollment. Students can select to take Dual Enrollment courses on our campus or a college campus. These options will be discussed in more detail during Academic Planning Conferences with your school counselor.
Credit Promotion Requirements: Students have the opportunity to earn 8 credits per school year. 4 Credits 1st Semester 4 Credits 2nd Semester Promotion to 10th Grade = 7 Credits Promotion to 11th Grade = 14 Credits Promotion to 12th Grade = 20 Credits Required for graduation = 28 Credits
ATHLETICS Coach Arsenault
HCHS ATHLETICS Baseball Basketball Basketball Cheerleading Competitive and/or Football Cheerleading Cross Country Fishing Football Golf Marching Band/Dance Shotgun Soccer Softball Swim Tennis Track and Field Volleyball Wrestling
Visit HCHS Sports Zone
CTAE Pathway Classes Tim Cockrell
Information Technology/ Programming Pathway Career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Pathways for 9th Grade Students Information Technology/ Programming Pathway Intro to Digital Technology Business Management, Administrative/Finance Pathway Intro to Business & Technology Marketing/Hospitality,Recreation,Tourism/Sports & Entertainment Pathway Marketing Principles Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Pathway Basic Agriculture and Science Technology Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Pathway Basic Maintenance & Light Repair
Engineering or Architectural Design Pathway Intro to Drafting / Design Graphic Communication and Design Pathway Intro to Graphics and Design Health Science / Therapeutic Services Pathway Intro to Healthcare Machining/Welding/Construction Pathway Industry Fundamentals & Occupational Safety Law, Public Safety, Corrections, Security / Criminal Investigations Pathway Intro to LPSCS See Course Book on HCHS Website for more information. https://www.harris.k12.ga.us
Fine Arts Visual Arts Theatre Band Chorus
VISIT PATHWAYS At this time you are welcome to visit the Commons Area. We have tables set up so you can explore some of our CTAE and Fine Arts Pathways (electives). We look forward to a successful transition to the high school.
Thank you for coming tonight!