Timberline High School Color Guard!
What Is Color Guard?
Color Guard IS: First and foremost, a performing art! A discipline that combines music, dance, choreographed routines and props/equipment, like flag The “visual team” that performs along with the “Wolfpack Marching Band” at home football games, local and regional competitions A fun and exciting way to gain new skills and meet new friends for life An opportunity to work with highly experienced instructors, fun and energetic peers, and adjudication by regionally and nationally renown evaluators
Guard IS:
Dance and Choreography
Equipment and Props
Unity and Teamwork
Frequently Asked Questions Is Color Guard a class? Is there any cost involved? What is the practice schedule? Will I have fun?? Color Guard is a class and meets during 3rd period at the same time as band. Although it is highly recommended to enroll in the class, it is not mandatory provided you can be at the evening rehearsals, and all performances. There is no fee to be on the color guard, but we do ask for a donation to help cover the cost of shoes, uniform and other equipment. Class is 3rd period, and evening rehearsals are mainly Mondays 4:00 - 6:30, Tuesdays 3:30 - 6:00, and Thursdays 3:45 - 7:00 starting the first week of school and going through October. Check the schedule on the website for a full listing. You bet! But don’t take it from us, ask last year’s members!
Please contact Amanda Flory at Questions? Please contact Amanda Flory at Amanda.Flory@boiseschools.org