Safer Care Homes Overview Datasheet (LS2)


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Presentation transcript:

Safer Care Homes Overview Datasheet (LS2) 1.Number of Harms There have been an average of 18 harms per week within the collaborative. Harms are defined as the number of falls, medication administration errors and new pressure ulcers in each care home per week. Based on data submitted between week commencing 21/11/16 to 15/05/17. Red points indicate weeks with incomplete data submissions. 2.Number of Falls & Falls With Harm An average of 17 people have fallen each week within the collaborative, of these an average of 2.5 people had a fall with harm. Based on data submitted between week commencing 21/11/16 to 15/05/17. Red points indicate weeks with incomplete data submissions. 3.Number of Medication Administration Errors There are an average of 1.5 medication administration error each week within the collaborative. Medication Administration Errors include - Omission (including drugs not available), extra dose, wrong dose, timing error, unprescribed drug, wrong drug, route error, allergy error, deteriorated drug (e.g. exceeded expiry date, crushed when not advised), not signed for. Based on data submitted between week commencing 21/11/16 to 15/05/17. Red points indicate weeks with incomplete data submissions. Page 1

9 Page 2 4. Time Between New Pressure Ulcers There has been an average of 9 days between each New Pressure Ulcer found within the collaborative. 9 New Pressure Ulcers are defined as a pressure ulcer found after 72 hours of admission to your care home or transfer back from hospital) . Based on data submitted between week commencing 21/11/16 to 15/05/17. The dotted line to the final point simply indicates that there has not been a pressure ulcer up to the most recent date on which the chart was updated. 5. Emergency Admissions to SRFT & Admissions Caused by Falls Emergency Admissions are any emergency admissions to Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust from Care Homes in the Collaborative and include admissions from any attached intermediate care units. There have been an average of 23.5 Emergency Admissions to SRFT from care homes within the collaborative per month. 4 of these were caused by a fall. Based on data extracted from SRFT data warehouse between Feb 2016 and Apr 2017. 6. Staff Satisfaction Scores Of the staff surveyed in all participating collaborative care homes, 54.8% rated themselves as Happy or Very Happy. Based on incomplete data submitted on one week per month between Feb 2017 and May 2017. Page 2

Page 3 7. Secondary Measures There is an average turnover rate* of 2.18 staff per month in the collaborative homes. On average there have been 25 staff given extra training per month in the collaborative homes. *Turnover rate is calculated by dividing the number of staff who leave the organisation by the total number employed by the organisation per month and then multiplying by 100 to find a rate. The collaborative homes have received 91 compliments and only 14 complaints since November 2016! Please note these charts are based on incomplete data submissions between Nov 2016 and Apr 2017 and are subject to change. Page 3