Greek Mythology Webquest Kimberly Livaudais Manchester HS
Students will get into their learning groups Students will get into their learning groups. Over the next 3 days, groups will research and complete their Webquest tasks. Each group will turn in one google slideshow that they collaboratively create. The slideshow will include all 3 tasks and each member of the group will put their name next to each of the sections that they completed. The Process
Define these terms and fine a meme for each one that shows a modern example of these terms: Myth Homeric simile Irony (3 kinds) Symbolism Motif Allusion Epithets LINKS: Literary Terms Dictionary Myths Task One:
Research the main 12 Olympian Gods and Create an Online Profile for Each God/Goddess. What are their powers? What is their domain? What is their symbol? What are they known for? Create a representation of each god using an avatar creator. Find and copy a family tree for these gods/goddesses Read one myth about each god that shows their personality and role in the world of Greek Gods. Write a one paragraph summary of the biography myth. LINKS: Coolest Site on Myths Gods/Goddesses Avatar Creator Profile Creator Task Two:
There are hundreds of companies that use mythological names, symbols or figures in their logos or advertising campaigns. FOLLOW THE LINKS AND READ ON MODERN CONNECTIONS, THEN CHOOSE 2 OF YOUR FAVORITES AND WRITE AN EXPLANATION OF HOW THEY RELATE TO MYTHOLOGY AND WHY THEY ARE YOUR FAVORITES. LINKS: Site 1 Site 2 Create your Company logo with a connection to Greek mythology – explain why how you incorporated mythology and why. Logo Creator Task Three:
To be Turned In: Meme shows example of term Term definitions with Meme 12 online profiles with avatars Family Tree God/Goddess Biography summary The names of two real companies that incorporate Greek mythology with written explanation of choice Your own imagined company logo with Greek mythology connection and written explanation Meme shows example of term Profiles match gods through research Family tree is accurate Summary is spell- and grammar- checked, at least 5 sentences long, and fully summarizes story For both real and created companie: Picture of company and explanation is spell- and grammar-checked and fully explains choice.
Rubric Assignment Total Points Your points Term (7) definitions with Meme 21 12 online profiles with avatars 24 Family Tree 7 God/Goddess Biography summary 15 The names of two real companies that incorporate Greek mythology with written explanation of choice 20 Your own imagined company logo with Greek mythology connection and written explanation Total 100 Rubric