SEN and Disability (SEND) Local Offer SEND Reforms Information Day 18/03/2015 SEN and Disability (SEND) Local Offer Describes the support available locally for children and young people age 0-25 with SEND Published on the Trafford Service Directory Service directory listings Wide range of universal and specialist services and activities Advice and guidance pages 9 categories of information Background - Children and Families Act, pilot, purposes: To provide clear, comprehensive and accessible information, transparent, accountability for decisions, easy to understand, jargon free, factual. Collaborative – by working together the idea is that provision will be more responsive to local needs and aspirations Trafford Service Directory –updated daily, ONLINE PLUS OTHER CHANNELS Service directory listings All records on directory form local offer, specialist and universal Over 2000 records, education, health & care services, leisure & social, support groups Internal and commissioned services, VCS, privately run services Eligibility and referral information so it is clear how the service can be accessed Service providers log in to manage their listings, moderated by FIS, system generated reminder emails Advice and guidance pages 9 categories: overview, advice and support, EHC & PB, education & learning, health, social care, PfA, leisure & social, transport 25 advice pages, keep it simple, link through to relevant sets of service directory listings, guidance documents and external sites SEND Local Offer 1