Enhanced transparency as a vehicle for ambition: European Union experience Martin Kaspar European Commission DG CLIMA A.2
EU monitoring and reporting arrangements Climate Change Committee Working Groups Member States Planning, preparing and reporting European Commission DG CLIMATE ACTION QA/QC checks Preparation of EU aggregates (EU GHG inventory; EU projections) Database maintenance and archiving Assisted by European Environment Agency GHG inventory (annual) Policies and measures (biennial) Projections (biennial) Other climate related information
Progress towards EU NDC: at least 40 % domestic reduction in GHG emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 MS submitted draft National Energy and Climate Plans end of 2018, Commission will publish shortly its assessment of whether the planned additional measures are able to close the gap between emissions projections with existing measures (WEM -30% by 2030 compared to 1990) and the targets under EU legislation Key EU policies and targets for 2030 to achieve EU NDC: EU Emissions Trading System (ETS): −43% compared to 2005 Effort sharing targets for Member States for non-ETS sectors: collectively −30% compared to 2005 Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF): ”no debit” Standards for fleet average CO2 emissions for cars/vans, trucks for 2025 and 2030 At least 32% share of renewable energies in EU gross total final energy consumption by 2030 At least 32.5% energy saving by 2030 with more efficient energy use
Vision for a Clean Planet by 2050 There are a number of pathways for achieving a climate neutral EU, challenging but feasible from a technological, economic, environmental and social perspectives.
7 Building Blocks of the Long Term Strategy Energy efficiency Deployments of renewables Clean, safe & connected mobility Competitive industry and circular economy Infrastructure and inter-connections Bio-economy and natural carbon sinks Tackle remaining emissions with carbon capture and storage Artur
Concluding remarks EU has put in place successful policies at EU and national levels to cut emissions and meet climate targets, enabled by a robust climate MRV system Climate policies have significant benefits (decoupling, energy savings, green growth, air quality, jobs) NDC update ongoing LTS proposal is under Council consideration
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