Class of 2020
Last Names A-J Text @sobro2020a to 81010 Last Names K-Q Text @sobro2020b to 81010 Last Names R-Z Text @sobro2020c to 81010 Twitter @sbhsclass_2020 Website
Senior Team Senior Class Administrator: Mr. Winburn - Senior Class Guidance Counselor: Mrs. H-B - Brace Advisor: Mrs. Green - Senior Class Sponsor: Mrs. Lehman Room 787-
You must park in spot on your decal 7 Spots Left Parking You must park in spot on your decal 7 Spots Left
Important dates 9/5/19 Next Senior Assembly 9/10/19 Panoramic 10/1-10/5 Homecoming week Grad Bash 4/24/20 Bbq 5/15/20 Prom 5/16/20
Cap and Gown Dates 9/12/19 Parent Night 5:00-8:00pm 9/13/19, 9/16/19, 9/17/19, 9/24/19 and 9/25/19 Both Lunches Cap and Gown Ordering
September 10th at 9:30am Will be given a t-shirt Panoramic picture September 10th at 9:30am Will be given a t-shirt
Attendance and Suspension More than 10 Days/40 Blocks 2nd semester no grad bash or prom External suspension no grad bash or prom
Fox Mar (954) 653-1700 Deadline 11/15/19 Senior portraits Fox Mar (954) 653-1700 Deadline 11/15/19
9/3/19 Room 787 for 15 minutes Prom theme Homecoming activities Senior Class Meeting 9/3/19 Room 787 for 15 minutes Prom theme Homecoming activities