Adjusted OR and 95% CIs from conditional logistic regression models of smoking during pregnancy associated with neighbourhood tobacco retailer density (outlets per km2) modelled as a continuous fractional polynomial function adjusting for mothers age, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation income deprivation quintiles and neighbourhood smoking prevalence. Adjusted OR and 95% CIs from conditional logistic regression models of smoking during pregnancy associated with neighbourhood tobacco retailer density (outlets per km2) modelled as a continuous fractional polynomial function adjusting for mothers age, Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation income deprivation quintiles and neighbourhood smoking prevalence. The polynomial function shows change in OR of smoking relative to zero retailer density across the range of density values that are present in the data. Tom Clemens et al. Tob Control doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054422 ©2018 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd