Hopes, challenges and next steps for vmc Virginia Mennonite conference Pastoral consultation Facilitated by david brubaker November 11, 2015
5 principles of change and conflict in congregations The “identified issue” is (almost) never the “real issue.” The content of an issue is less important than the emotional process we bring to it. The most effective antidote to destructive conflict is a missional (outward) focus. The more frequent the contact among group members, the more likely it is that relational ties will hold (congregation, district, conference, MCUSA) As goes the leadership, so goes the organization.
Circle process ground rules and questions Listen with Respect Talk with Respect (only when holding the talking piece) Always feel free to “pass” (hand on the talking piece) Question 1: “In light of all that we’ve shared and learned the last two days, what would you most like to say to your colleagues about your hopes for VMC for the future, as well as the challenges you envision?” Question 2: “What next steps might you recommend that would contribute to engaging the future you hope for and the challenges you envision?”