Acting Chairman of StateGeoCadastre Oleksandr Kolotilin


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Presentation transcript:

Acting Chairman of StateGeoCadastre Oleksandr Kolotilin LAND RELATIONS MONITORING: PROGRESS IN LAND REGISTRATION & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Acting Chairman of StateGeoCadastre Oleksandr Kolotilin LAND.GOV.UA

The World Bank & StateGeoCadastre The World Bank Project on Rural Land Titling and Cadastre. Creation of State Land Cadastre system – the biggest cadastral map in Europe 2004 – 2012 Capacity Development for Evidence-based land and agricultural policy making project in Ukraine: launching the monitoring of land relations and remote sensing pilot project 2014 – 2017 Support for Transparent Land Governance in Ukraine: support for development of background for of land reform finalization and transparent governance 2018 – 2022

E-services – pathway to transparency July 2015 Decentralization Demonopolization Convenience Centres for Administrative Services all over Ukraine may be chosen by the client Notary Officers and municipalities are being connected to State Land Cadastre Most popular administrative services of StateGeo Cadastre are available on-line StateGeoCadastre connected to the State Land Cadastre System* (with availability to issue data): 90 598 56 62 Centres for Administrative Services Notary Officers City Councils Village Councils *as of 30.09.2018

Monitoring of land relations – new level of transparency “StateGeocadastre and its territorial bodies is responsible for monitoring with the participation of subjects of informational interaction” (Article 8. The order for realization of monitoring of land relations)

Data provided by StateGeoCadastre Data on Land Structure Landowners and land users quantity Average size of land plots Land transferred in private ownership Land registration records by gender Land of escheat Land forcibly alienated for public needs Land registered in SLC State cadastral registrars Land leased through auctions Settlements with defined boundaries 15 Indicators for monitoring

Land Registration Dynamics 18.7 mln. 1.3 mln. 1.2 mln. 936.4 877.7 875.1 Land parcels in State Land Cadastre 726.3 328 295 Land parcels registered on-line in 2018

Extracts from State Land Cadastre about land parcel Extracts about normative land valuation 14.0 % via e-services 13.7 % via e-services 1 406 741 197 528 359 403 49 168 in 2017 via e-services in 2017 in 2017 via e-services in 2017 18.1 % via e-services 19.3 % via e-services 898 120 163 329 266 964 51 568 in 2018 * via e-services in 2018 * in 2018 * via e-services in 2018 * *as of September 30, 2018

Issued Extracts from State Land Cadastre 1.4 mln. 1.1 mln. 918.1 844.9 898.1* * as of the 1st of October 2018

Monitoring 2015 vs. Monitoring 2017 Кількість земельних ділянок, зареєстрованих у Державному земельному кадастрі, на 1000 населення, станом на грудень 2017 року 16.2% increased

What`s next? Completion of registration of state and communal lands Correction of errors in cadastral data Improvement of e-services (including land e-auctions) Simplification of procedures and deregulation Integration with databases of other authorities (NSDI) Providing tools for managing land resources at the local level – transferring land to CTSs and Remote sensing of actual land use

Thank you for attention! STATEGEOCADASTRE Thank you for attention! LAND.GOV.UA