Polarized 3He target installation A sequential breakdown of installation during a summer down. Revised 07-16-2019 Itemized schedule will be made after all parts are accounted for. Installation schedule is based on: All assumed existing parts are recovered and usable All Platforms are fabricated 2 days of magnet/target preassembly in workshop Minimum of 4 Technicians available at all times Participation of experimenters as per schedule Beam schedule remains as is 10/17/2019
Polarized 3He Target Installation summary Assumptions: Installation starts Tuesday August-06, 2019 – Nov. 30, 2019 (*) Manpower: 4 Mechanical Techs, 1 Supervisor, plus Hall A Tech support when needed Modest support from: Spectrometer support group (Segal, et al + M. Taylor) Electrical / Cable / Fiber / Power installation (Joe B.) Survey and Alignment Group has been made aware (*)Installation schedule is conservative and based on one shift per day (see next slide) Existing equipment and parts will be grouped in 2018 Some cable and fiber installation will start in 2018 (Joe B.) 10/17/2019
Schedule breakdown Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 1) 2019- Preparations for He3 installation 108 days October 2018 July 1019 2) Parts preparation and preassembly in workshop 100 days January July 3) Spectrometer, pivot, floor and platform preparation/installation ~10 days August 4) Move Helmholtz coil assembly, electronics etc. to Hall C ~2 days 5) Mount Helmholtz coil assembly on pivot ~5 days September 6) He3 target installation ~12 days October 7) NMR Electronics installation 8) EPR Electronics installation 10) Cable and fiber installation NOTE: some can start early 60 days April June ?? 11) Leak check beam pipes and HMS short snout 12) Install He3, He4, H2, N2 and air gas panel rack ~6 days November 13) Install and test laser equipment 20 days? 10/17/2019
1) 2019-down Preparations for He3 installation 108 days February July Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 1) 2019-down Preparations for He3 installation 108 days February July Moller repair and preparations Completed Install new cable trays 3 days April/May 2019 Hall C Tech's Place laser fibers and cables where possible 20 days? Joe Beaufait / Electricians Complete fabrication of platforms 65 days? Feb./Mar. 2019 Remove magnet/target structure from laser room and preassemble in workshop (as possible) July 2019 ? Hall C Tech’s/ Experimenters 10/17/2019
2) Parts preparation and preassembly ? days February July Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 2) Parts preparation and preassembly ? days February July Find all relevant He3 target parts and assemblies and move ESB Hall C Tech's/ Designer Clean parts, odder missing hardware and parts Hall C Tech's Preassemble items where possible Prepare all He3 target parts, tools and platform parts for transport to Hall C 10/17/2019
10/17/2019 3) Spectrometer, pivot and floor preparation 26 days July 8 Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 3) Spectrometer, pivot and floor preparation 26 days July 8 End of July Preparing Hall C, moving tools and equipment into the Hall 1 day Hall C Tech's Remove SHMS HB magnet shielding blocks Unbolt and remove pivot platform and hand rails 2 days Remove pivot shaft extension Remover HMS skit plates from the floor Relocate N2/He gas panel Survey post mounting holes on floor Alignment Group Place and bolt down platform posts on floor Install new handrails on SHMS Install new pivot deck including filler plates 4 days Install S2-block shield walls between deck support posts Crane in and place electronic racks Crane in and place all layers of shielding over electronic racks Install pivot deck extension 3 days Install lower deck, stair case and handrails Install both upper decks, stair case and handrails 10/17/2019
Spectrometer, pivot and floor prep. SHMS Pivot shaft extension Gas Panel HMS HMS skit plates
SHMS Base HB Magnet Target mount Target Platform He3 Elec. racks Shielding
Filler Plates Lower platform 10/17/2019
Laser access decks 10/17/2019
10/17/2019 5) Assemble Helmholtz coils on pivot 13 days End of July Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 5) Assemble Helmholtz coils on pivot 13 days End of July Mid August Install base assembly onto pivot shaft 1 day Hall C Tech's Align base and bolt down Alignment Group Install Helmholtz coils 2 days Align Helmholtz coils Alignment Group / Hall C Tech's Install PU-COIL-Colim-assembly Align PU-COIL assembly Assemble corrector coil base and wind coils 4 days Experimenters/ H C Tech's ? Mount corrector coils into position 1 day? Experimenters/ H C Tech's Align correctors Install pickup coils Experimenters and Students Align pickup coils Field mapping with corrector coils / Spectrometer field of Bender and Q-1 Field direction measurement 10/17/2019
Electronic rack shieling and platform assembly over view Steel shielding blocks around electronic racks Pivot shaft 10/17/2019
Target base plate 10/17/2019
Helmholtz Coils 10/17/2019
RF Coils PU-Coil assembly 10/17/2019
Corrector Coils 10/17/2019
Coil assembly details 10/17/2019
10/17/2019 6) He3 target installation 48 days Mid September October Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 6) He3 target installation 48 days Mid September October Lay out, drill holes and install target support posts 1 day Hall C Tech's Install 80/20 Alu main support frame on top 2 days Align and secure frame Alignment Group / Hall C Tech's Place He extraction fan on deck and install duct work to outside vent pipe Bolt in target lifter assembly, connect motor and test Align lifter Alignment Group Mount target laser box in place Mount all 3 laser enclosures onto support beams Experimenters / Hall C Tech's Install oven Install optical and electrical connections Install pipes for He3 cell Install He4 target cooling plumbing Install He4 cooling pipes for beam pipe beryllium windows Fabricate and install all G10 coil enclosures 9 days Mount cable trays and install feedthroughs (remove covers where needed) Install upstream and downstream beam lines Align beam line sections Leak check beam line sections 1 day? Install He4 target cooling nozzles Place and install both target cells Experimenters/ H C Tech's Align target cells (remove covers where needed) Connect laser to target 3 days Experimenters Install safety interlock system, mount panels to laser boxes 4 days Spectrometer support / Mark Taylor Laser alignment (Evenings) Experimenters and Students Seal up enclosure and check for light and He leaks Float 5 days? 10/17/2019
Laser support structure 10/17/2019
Target lifter Lifter Support 10/17/2019
Spectrum Analyzer optic fiber Lifter Spectrum Analyzer optic fiber Oven Pickup Coil assembly 10/17/2019
Laser Boxes 10/17/2019
He extraction fan, will be relocated 10/17/2019
Solid Targets Pol 3He cell Reference cell 10/17/2019
10/17/2019 7) NMR Electronics installation 3 days October Task Name Duration Start Finish Resource Names 7) NMR Electronics installation 3 days October Assemble NMR shield box 1 day Experimenters / Hall C Tech's Install NMR electronics Experimenters/ H C Tech's ? Install cables Experimenters Cover with shielding plates Hall C Tech's Install fans and kick plate Test polarization 1 week Experimenters and Students 8) EPR Electronics installation Assemble EPR shield box Install EPR electronics 10/17/2019
NMR and ERP Electronics G10 enclosures Upstream beam pipe NMR and ERP Electronics Downstream beam pipe 10/17/2019
SHMS HB Magnet Looking upstream HMS Q2 and Q1 Downstream Beam line 10/17/2019
Overview of complete installation Downstream beam pipe Upstream beam pipe 10/17/2019
Hall C Power Supply and Electronic area Possible location for 3He additional Electronic racks Cable Routing Steel shielding 10/17/2019
Cable tray routing Down stream beam pipe 10/17/2019
Questions ? 10/17/2019