Class 3 A and 3 B Rignano sull’Arno Primary school eTwinning project “Decorate, Re-Create, Celebrate” Stars of clay Class 3 A and 3 B Rignano sull’Arno Primary school
Beat the clay with a hand, holding it in the palm of the other hand, to remove the air and form a ball.
Put the ball on the table, between two ribs, so that the dough has the same thickness.
With a rolling pin, squeeze the clay getting a sheet.
Take a form for biscuits, press it on the pastry, then remove the clay form from the sheet.
Make a hole on one tip of the star Make a hole on one tip of the star. Let the stars dry and then paint them.
Cook in the oven for ceramics and… finally here is the finished decorations! Buon Natale!