Year 2 Curriculum Meeting Summer Term 2019
Communication, Language and Literacy Year 2 Summer Term Topic: I Live in London Communication, Language and Literacy This term we will be teaching the children how to write creatively using a number of different medium to inspire. We will also be reading a range of stories and using the language in these to develop our own writing. We will be reading a range of information texts about London and looking at their features. We will be developing speaking and listening skills through role play connected to our books and topics. We will continue to teach phonics and Grammar for reading and writing. We will also be asking the children to spell common words correctly. It is very important that you continue to read to your child as well as listening to them read daily. ICT We will be using the computers and iPads to write and illustrate a talking book. Mathematical Development We will be helping the children to develop strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. We will also teach them to count in multiples of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from any given number. The children will also continue to work with money, solving real life problems involving buying and giving change. Please help your children develop this skill when you are out shopping. We will be continuing to teach the children to use: measuring implements, rulers, scales and measuring jugs accurately. In geometry we will be comparing shapes and identifying similarities and differences. Homework Children will be completing an activity from the grid at the front of their homework books every week. Spellings and Maths homework will be sent home every Friday. Knowledge and Understanding of the World We will be teaching the children about plants and animals in their immediate environment and how differences between places very close to each other result in a different range of plants and animals being found. They learn that like humans, plants and other animals reproduce. Humanities The children will begin by learning about famous London landmarks. They will then find out about the Great Fire of London and answer questions such as where and when did the great fire begin? Why did the fire spread? They will also look at the work of Samuel Pepys. During the second half term we will be Comparing and contrasting different environments within the UK and identifying seasonal and daily weather patterns. Creative development. The children will be developing their art skills through sculpture. In music we will be exploring pitch. Physical development. In gymnastics we will be developing our control and coordination through travelling, jumping and landing. We will be applying our skills to make a sequence. In dance we will be learning traditional folk dances and working in partners and groups to perform these . RE We will be looking at Buddhism and thinking about how things change over time. We will also learn that Buddhists celebrate Wesak to remember Buddha At home and in the Temple.
Reading Developing fluency in reading Focus on retrieval, deduction and inference Ensure your child is reading everyday
Maths Problem solving in a range of contexts Developing reasoning skills e.g.
Writing Writing own stories- invention Recounts- based on personal experiences/events Formal/informal letters Diary entry End of year expectations Exemplification materials
Homework Ensure your child completes their homework. Homework must be handed in on Wednesday.
Attendance and Punctuality Please ensure your child is in school everyday unless they are unwell. Any sickness or diarrhoea must be followed by 48 hours from the last incident. School starts at 8.45am. Children miss out and learning if they are absent and late. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform.
Useful Websites Please remember to supervise your child when they are using the internet.