ECA&D Current status and future Maarten van der Hoeven


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Presentation transcript:

ECA&D Current status and future Maarten van der Hoeven Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) The Netherlands 14 September 2005

Topics Brief introduction of the project Collecting data Showing results

What is ECA&D? European Climate Assessment & Dataset Goal: To achieve a climatological overview of Europe on trends of extremes (A) and An easy access to high resolution daily data and analyses (D) Joint project of 45 participants ; 41 countries; key success factor! Collect high quality data with daily resolution Share knowledge, input of suggestions (questionaire) Processing of data Quality control procedures Analyse data Disseminate data Communication by means of Website Email Assessment report


D: Collecting data New data (updates, elements) from participants Facilitating ENSEMBLES project ECA&D as a infrastructure Adding third party data (restrictions apply) 409 (+120) observing stations 1634 (+800) data series 9 (+4) elements Improving existing and developing new quality control New climatological indices Database: 750 (+500) million records

Growth in number of series

Showing results

Presentation solution

Presentation solution

Thank you Further information Email: Project website Project email: Detailed project information on the website Thank you