English 10 - 5/20/19 What is the worst thing about testing? What makes it so hard? What is the easiest way to get on TV? Tattle basket – a gossip. Goals – Discuss how to succeed on big high stakes tests. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab 30. A foot stool
English 10 - 5/21/19 Write everything you can remember about test taking strategies. What kind of nut sounds like a sneeze? Yazzihamper – a lunkhead. Goals –Check daily work. Do an article. Homework – Don’t forget to study for vocab 30 Friday. cashew
English 10 - 5/22/19 What are your strategies for writing an essay in one sitting? What did one sheep say to the other when it’s friend sneezed? Smouger – a cheat; chisler. Goals – Discuss Strategy for writing an organized essay in one sitting. Look at web site for sample questions. Homework – Quiz 30 postponed until Friday, May 31. Bless ewe.
English 10 - 5/23/19 What do you like about poetry? What do you dislike? How many vampires does it take to change a lightbulb? Runnion – a paltry, scurvy wretch. Goals – Work with Dennis Held to have some fun with poetry. Homework – Relax, or go to https://wa.portal.airast.org/training- tests.stml to practice questions for next week’s test on Tuesday. None, they like the dark.
English 10 - 5/24/19 Write on a subject of your choice. Someone asked my boss, “How many people work here?” He said, “Oh, about four out of six.” Nithing – a base coward. Goals – Do practice test with a partner. Go to https://wa.portal.airast.org/training- tests.stml Homework – Use the web site to practice for SBAC on Tuesday. A bulldozer.