Joon Yang MSE Department Advisor L. Salamanca-Riba MRSEC – IRG 2
Structural Characterization of Multiferroic Bi-Fe-O Thin Films JoonHyuk Yang, Sung Hwan Lim, and Lourdes Salamanca-Riba BiFeO3 is one of the promising materials for practical applications for novel devices, because its magnetic and ferroelectric ordering temperatures are well above room temperature and also it is a lead free ferroelectric material. However, one of the problems for practical applications is its weak magnetoelectric response. Another problem is its narrow growth window due to volatility of Bismuth. So, only in optimized conditions, pure BiFeO3 film can be grown on the substrate. By changing deposition conditions there can be bismuth oxide and iron oxide. In this work, we have studied the multiphase formation by changing deposition conditions, and found some interesting dependence of the magnetic properties with growth conditions in Bi-Fe-O system.a We are investigating the structure of ferroelectric domains at the atomic-level and the composition information using by HRTEM, and EELS.b a. Advanced Functional Materials 17, 2594 (2007) b. JoonHyuk Yang, et al. In preparation (2009)
Recent MRSEC-Supported Talks and Publications Publication H. Lim, M. Murakami, J. H. Yang, S.-Y. Young, J. Hattrick- Simpers, M. Wuttig, L. Salamanca-Riba and I. Takeuchi, "Enhanced Dielectric Properties in Single Crystal-like BiFeO3 Thin Films Grown by Flux-mediated Epitaxy." Applied Physics Letters 92, 012918/1-3 (2008). Talk Switching of Ferroelectric Domains in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Thin Films, American Physical Society Meeting, Portland Oregon, March 16-19, 2010.