Announcements Exam Weds. March 7, review March 5, here, 5 PM All of the classwork that hasn’t been picked up has been moved. Left-over Pinatubo video worksheets are on the table, unclaimed other things are in the lowest right-hand box.
Today Video on volcanic hazards Exercise on what makes a volcano likely (or not) to pose a significant hazard?
A wee review…
What is this feature? Pyroclastic flow on a stratovolcano Talus deposit occurring on a dome Maar eruption Lava flow
This could be many things, but based on the landforms, what is most likely? The volcano is Mount St. Helens. Ash-flow tuff Lava flow Debris-avalanche deposit Pumice fall
The video (Understanding Volcanic Hazards) Seven kinds of hazards are discussed Your job is to understand what kinds of hazards are more likely at what kinds of volcanoes. Specifically for this video, you need to (alone or with a friend) choose the most and least dangerous hazard and be able (on an exam, for example) state why you chose those.
Exercise to understand volcanic hazards Groups of 4-5 please…
You have/will get some information about a specific volcano. You have seen/heard about several kinds of volcanoes and several kinds of hazards… You have/will get some information about a specific volcano. shield volcano stratovolcano dome If you have any sense of geography, that is very helpful!! ALWAYS assume that if it happened before, it can happen again…but use your knowledge of the lifespan of your volcano type
You will need to put together a reasonable scenario for these things (have one person for each) the type of hazard likely from your volcano other hazards likely to occur at the same time the chances that the hazard will produce a disaster, given who lives where with respect to the volcano an assessment of why people are living near the volcano what are ALL the controls on the kind of volcano having the hazards it does ASK if you feel you don’t have enough information! but use common sense. You may use the computers in the lab also.