Place value and decimals
Today we are going to learn about Place value and decimals
By the end of the lesson we will be able to
Vocabulary Words
Decimals that have same value is called____. Example: 0.5=0.50 equivalent decimals The position of a digit in a number is called ______. Place A period is a group of ________ digits Three The value given to a digit by its place in a number is called ______. place value A number that has digit is tenths place, hundredths place or beyond is called ________ decimal A ______separating the ones and tenths in a decimal number decimal point
millions Hundred thousands Ten thousands thousands hundreds tens units
millions Hundred thousands Ten thousands thousands hundreds tens units. tenths hundredths thousandths × × × 1000
millions Hundred thousands Ten thousandsthousands hundreds tens units. tenths hundredths thousandths ÷ ÷ ÷ 1000
Writing decimal number using a model
Writing decimals using fractions
Write fraction as a decimal 4 out of 10 are shaded
Write fraction as a decimal 24 out of 100 are shaded
Write fraction as a decimal 56 out of 1000 are shaded